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Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 18, 2012, 8:43 p.m. by strateupjee
So I am having a hard time deciding whether to take my U/R Control, Hide Your Body Under the R/U-g!, or my mono green elf ramp, deck:its-mean-and-its-green... I have more fun playing my green, but that may just be because no one ever wants to play against a control deck xD
The green deck is safer (though in desperate need of more lands) because it doesn't need to use Evolving Wilds and Izzet Guildgate to fix the mana base. That's just too slow in the standard meta and will bite you at the worst times when you really need 1 more land that turn.
But yeah, I think that green deck is relying way too much on mana dorks that can be removed or might not be drawn. It used to be that you'd exchange 1 land for 1 ramp, now a lot of people say 2:1, but many players will snap kill your ramp creatures knowing you're going to be that further behind and likely have a weak board state for a while since you plan was to ramp. Farseek at least can't be killed.
Your deck will likely do fine against anyone playing straight up beaters as well, but the 20 lands will really hurt you in match ups that can interact with your creatures at all.
Out of curiosity sake, I looked up the chance of you hitting your 11th land on T11 it's less than 0.5% for 20 lands on the play.
December 18, 2012 11:11 p.m.
strateupjee says... #5
Honestly, the best opening hand that would allow me to get what I need onto the field so that they either kill my dorks or kill my scaries involves 2 forests and an arbor elf, anything more than that is just bonus lol, I dont need to hit every land drop because I want them to waste removal on my dorks, by all means lol, because I always have something in reserve xD
December 18, 2012 11:21 p.m.
It might appear that way, but once you start grinding away multiple games, like at an FNM, consistency becomes arguably the most important factor to a deck. You're looking at minimum 16 games, discounting byes, and upwards of 25.
The unbiased math says that given sufficient quantity of games you will run into issues casting your creatures with only 20 lands. A full 1/4 of your spells are 4 CMC or greater. By comparison, and granted it doesn't run any ramp, you're typical RDWs run 21 lands because all things considered it would rather not be able to cast Hellrider , it's only 4 CMC or greater spell, than flood for land.
You're welcome to run out there on luck, but I'm saying your deck would win more often with a better mana base.
December 18, 2012 11:43 p.m.
strateupjee says... #7
Well I dont have too much wiggle room to squeeze in more mana lol, I may be able to pull the worldspine for 1 more forest, but other than that :/ though I really have extensive play with this deck and I rarely get mana screwed, and that is playing 2-3 times per day minimum
December 18, 2012 11:46 p.m.
Heh, there's always stuff to cut. When I'm trying to make tough calls, I just try to find what's least relevant against my local meta or cards that don't exactly fit the decks focus.
For instance, depending on what kind of decks you see at your local store, I've found anything that's trying to get value as a chump block pretty meaningless in the current standard world that's filled with trample, aggressive evasive creatures and creatures that can deal damage straight to your life total. For instance Elvish Visionary might as well say, pay 2 and draw 1 card in many cases, which is certainly not worth running. Though you see some added value with Elvish Archdruid .
Deadly Recluse is what sideboard is for. You playing green so you should certainly out race anything flying, and you're deck seems more offensive while Deadly Recluse is more a defensive creature.
Elder of Laurels could be good, but if you're not sitting on extra mana or faced a board wipe a 2/3 for 3 is pretty unexciting.
Hope that helps. Give it a try if you want, maybe you find you will like your route better and that's fine as well.
December 19, 2012 12:29 a.m.
strateupjee says... #9
Im actually cutting Elder already for Predator Ooze when I get to the store xD
December 19, 2012 12:34 a.m.
strateupjee says... #10
Went 2-3 tonight at FNM, played 5 rounds and was 2-2 for my 5th game, so I had a chance at top 4 and packs, but lost
Game 1: Lost 1-2 against B/R Zombies/Burn, Falkenrath Aristocrat kicked my ass the last 2 games, but coulda pulled it of had I not done one silly move -.- just misplayed
Game 2: Won 2-0 against a Miracle 5 Color deck, basically out raced him super hard and won easily both games xD
Game 3: Lost 0-2 against a Blue/White Enchant/Buff deck, game 2 he had a 10/8 Hexproof First Strike Trample Geist of Saint Traft ... yeah... fuck that
Game 4: Won 2-0 against a Black/Green Golgari Counter deck, game 2 was close for a bit but I just ran away with it otherwise xD
Game 5: Lost 0-2 against yet another Black/Red Zombie with some more Falkenrath Aristocrat s and it made me sad :(
All in all a productive night, had a chance to place but lost it, however picked up 3 Predator Ooze s and a Craterhoof Behemoth , so not a complete bust :)
pumpkinsword says... #2
Looks like you have more of the cards you need for the green one. I'd take that.
December 18, 2012 9:22 p.m.