Fog Bank or Wall of Denial?

Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 22, 2014, 8:47 a.m. by MortisAngelus


I'm creating an artifact deck based around Darksteel Juggernaut ; because I want to!

You can find it here: In a world of Darksteel

However, I don't know what aerial defender I should add? It is either Fog Bank or Wall of Denial . Which one would you choose?

Also; would it be enought with just 2x Blue Sun's Zenith ?

meecht says... #2

Wall of Denial is way better. A flying 0/8 will effectively block everything relevant (including trample), and the shroud lets it avoid spot removal.

January 22, 2014 9:01 a.m.

Nickosis says... #3

I like Fog Bank more, only because it is a funnier picture, the old one with the Velociraptors in a dense fog. I mean Wall of Denial is better against spells that just deal damage, non-targeting ones, but it might survive a giant beast attack. I think for your deck, you should go with Cathedral Membrane , unless that breaks your theme. That is an artifact, so it helps the Juggernaut.

January 22, 2014 9:05 a.m.

Slycne says... #4

Personally, I don't like the walls at all. If your deck is getting beatdown by a bunch of Wind Drake and such then there's an issue with executing on the plan fast enough. You'd be better off just running a removal spell.

One card I think you should look at is Cranial Plating . It doubles the power of your Darksteel Juggernaut and can turn any myr into a real threat.

January 22, 2014 10:30 a.m.

MortisAngelus says... #5

Deck renamed! NEW ADRESS: Darksteel Utopia | Artifact Deck

@Slycne, Nickosis & meecht: Thank you for your input and thoughts. Playtested this yesterday in Cockatrice and realized the shroud-ability did save my defender from a lot of deaths.

I have done some major changes to the deck affecting the budget quite a lot. Check this, and my other decks, out and give them a +1 if you like them.

January 23, 2014 4:01 a.m.

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