For U/B control which Jace is better? Memory Adept or Architect?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 20, 2013, 1:39 p.m. by Glaspo
Here's the deck as of now, I'm trying to decide if I should run one of each of the 2 heretofore mentioned Jaces, or run 2x of one of them...if so which one?
Both jaces are do crucial things for control in this meta. Jace, Architect of Thought is a great way to generate card advantage while still stalling out your opponents attacks and Jace, Memory Adept can lock up wins in only 2-3 turns once you have stabalized the board and stuck him. My general layout for planesalkers at the moment is
2x Jace, Architect of Thought 1x Jace, Memory Adept 1x Tamiyo, the Moon Sage 1x Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
You don't play white so using sorins spot for another Jace would be fine. As for which, the choice is completely dependant on what your deck needs. Do you stall the board easily? If so then just add another win con in Jace, Memory Adept . Do you find yourself in a tight situation often? If so, add another Jace, Architect of Thought
agGravity says... #2
I'd say that Jace, Memory Adept don't actually bring anything really useful for you in your decklist, he's mostly for milling from the experience I've had and don't put a planeswalker, just for the sake of having a planeswalker.
But as for Jace, Architect of Thought , he's, from my opinion, extremely relevant to your condition. His 2nd ability is GREAT to dig for more cards, you'll always be able to get at least one useful card based on your opponent choice. He come in play a turn earlier than Jace, Memory Adept and his first ability help to protect himself to use his 2nd ability just more.
January 20, 2013 2:44 p.m.