Free feedback (EDH)
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 10, 2012, 1:42 p.m. by Epochalyptik
In an effort to escape the infinite boredom of studying for my finals, I am offering my services as an EDH player to everyone who wants some feedback. I will get to most of the decks after my Tuesday exam, but I may be able to review some of them today.
Please include in your posts:
A link to your deck
Your goal or primary strategy for the deck
Your budget
Any restrictions you have (I.e. no infinite combos, etc)
How familiar you are with EDH
Fleetfiend says... #3
Well I believe you have already given a look at these, but I'll go ahead and bite.
Goal: To bring out the big boys and hit hard. Trying to make it on par with Rider of the Dawn. The one building the deck is a bit touchy about making changes, so input from someone else will probably help him improve it.
Budget: As low as possible.
Restrictions: No infinite combos; I generally hate it when people exploit these, it takes the fun out of the game.
Familiarity: Moderate for me (I've done a lot of research and playtesting, but not much actual playing), very little for the actual builder of the deck.
Rider of the Dawn
Goal: Pull out Krond as quickly as possible and load him (and friends) up with enchantments.
Budget: No real limit, as the posted deck is a "final goal."
Restrictions: Same as above
Familiarity: Moderate
December 10, 2012 4:58 p.m.
This is a bit of a big splashy angel tribal deck that also has a few other tricks. Really, the goal is to get a couple of threat and hit hard with them. My EDH group is relatively new, so I wanted to keep the combo and jank low.
Budget: ~100 on a single card as long as it's impact justifies the cost.
Restrictions: I'd like to keep within the 'spirit' of EDH, so I am trying to avoid creating negative play experiences (hence no Iona).
Familiarity: Decades of on/off experience with magic, first EDH deck. Insight into the venue beyond my playgroup is welcome.
Aside: I would really like to smooth out how the deck plays from game to game. Right now it can go one game with big explosive plays and other games with ten turns of weak top decking.
December 10, 2012 6:37 p.m.
GreatAlexander says... #5
Deck: Gisela's Vengeance
Goal: Get out a few massive creatures and ride Gisela's double damage to victory with some powerful early game double strikers
Budget:Nothing excessive so no cards that are really hard to trade for or cost more than $40 each
Restrictions: My playgroup is fairly casual so no infinite combo's and a minimum of absolute lockouts so everyone can still potentially do things
Familiarity: This is my first EDH deck and I have only been playing about a month once a week or so
December 10, 2012 8:13 p.m.
Wrath of Heaven, Hell, and Everything In Between
Pretty much the same goal of all Kaalia decks, drop angels, dragons and demons and deal lots of damage
Budget wise I'd like not to spend more than ~$40 on one card unless you think there's a real must for a certain card.
Restrictions: I mostly playing casual, but most of the people I play against multiple challenging combos and devious cards so no real restrictions.
I mostly play casual, but I have played with and against a variety of different decks and style.
December 10, 2012 9:27 p.m.
pumpkinsword says... #7
Primary strategy: Beat people's faces in with vampires
Secondary strategy: Tutor for some of the combos that are in the deck, play them and profit.
I'm new at EDH, this is the first deck I built.
Budget: As low as possible. The cards on there are the ones I have already. If it is expensive, I'll see if I can trade for it.
December 10, 2012 10:06 p.m.
The goal is for the deck to run semi-competitively. Fast and not much fun to play against, but not completely game breaking tournament level like most high end Sharuum decks.
My budget is generally ~20 bucks tops per single card.
No infinite combos. The deck is supposed to be very mean, but it's not fun to win like that.
I'm very familiar with EDH, just looking for some good suggestions from fellow players.
December 11, 2012 10:39 p.m.
Goal: Overwhelm my opponents with snakes, get Helix Pinnacle to 100 counters as quickly as possible, or win by Darksteel Reactor counters with help from Gilder Bairn when possible.
Budget: nothing too extravagant, preferably keep individual card prices below $10
Restrictions: none
Familiarity: I'm only just now getting into EDH. I bought the Devour for Power pre-con deck and modified it a little with help from more experienced EDH players, but I would like to have a deck I can call my own.
ChiefWannaHacka says... #2
Mayael the Chubby Chaser
Goal: Cheat out creatures any way possible to dominate the board.
Budget: It's my favorite EDH deck so there is no budget really, though currently there are some creatures that are underwhelming. The things I think I'm mainly missing are lands.
Restrictions: None
EDH is my favorite format, and I play weekly, though with the same playgroup. I would like to take it to some events and see how it will fair.
December 10, 2012 4:31 p.m.