Gatecrash Mad Mana Deck Help

Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 13, 2013, 8:33 a.m. by bytor7

I've been working on this deck for when Gatecrash hits in about 3 weeks. The basic idea was just to simply get Crypt Ghast out as quick as possible for mad results. Well here is what i got so far.

---T1: swamp, Duress

---T2: swamp, Heartless Summoning

---T3: swamp, Crypt Ghast , Desecration Demon

---T4: swamp... Now i can tap for 8 mana and my creatures cost 2 colorless less. So I'd be in a good position but now i don't know what i could spend here for the most effect.

My first thought was to stock it up with Desecration Demon , Shimian Specter , Disciple of Bolas , and Bloodhunter Bat , making it were i can cast any 4 of these guys on turn 4 and maybe more next turn. quite evil... Then I thought instead on turn 4 i use Diabolic Revelation and get Griselbrand , Dark Impostor , and Evernight Shade and then casting them on turn 5. Griselbrand cuss he's big and his draw lets me spend my extra mana on other stuff. Dark Impostor to take out anyone I want and to steal abilities. Evernight Shade cuss its the only shade that can take the HS's -1/-1. using these guys to do crazy stuff. But i need help with this so please comment things to do turn 4 and after and maybe something to help my earlier turns. Thanks!

10vernothin says... #2

crypt ghast works well with any multi-cast deck, because of its mana-ramp and extort. with summoning, I see a funny interaction with Gravecrawler or Blood Artist if you can continue reanimating him from the dead (Havengul Lich ).

January 13, 2013 1:03 p.m.

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