General formula for UB control
Deck Help forum
Posted on June 24, 2012, 8:12 a.m. by gheridarigaaz
I took a junk card UB control deck to an FNM recently for lols. it successfully won the first trial game of two-headed-giant so i decided to stick to it and continued on a losing streak through the whole event :P. it's basically a huge pile of removal spells, a few boardwipes, counterspells, card-draw and a couple of bombs. I'm trying to stick to a budget so i have a limited pool of cards to choose from. help would be appreciated.
I'd assume that there is a general formula for an effective control deck seeing as it is a well established archetype. x removal spells, y counterspells etc... though i dont expect them to be the same for each meta.
About 7 "bombs" usually works for me. I also like the utility lands like Nephalia Drownyard or Creeping Tar Pit . Around 3 board wipes works wonders with some card draw. Although it should be adjusted to how much of your meta is aggro(the rest of the Playset in the board). Then 4-6 removal spells, sometimes more. This includes Doom Blade , Go for the Throat , and card:Geth's Verdict. Counter magic ranges for a playset to like 12, it depends on if you can do things on your opponents turn, and if you actually want something to resolve. My favorite Part is card selection. Usually just a playset of Ponder but I like to go up to some See Beyond s and Jace Beleren
June 24, 2012 3:19 p.m.
gheridarigaaz says... #4
My deck is currently in standard, though going into modern would broaden my options it would also give me more difficult to opponents contend with. Im quite a big fan of effects like surgical extraction and memoricide.
gheridarigaaz says... #2
here's the deck... U/B control... pure and simple though seeing as a few cards here will be rotating out in a while i guess i could dip into modern a little too
June 24, 2012 8:15 a.m.