Need Deck Help, Getting Back Into Magic
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 31, 2022, 7:18 a.m. by mememan3310
I have a deck idea that would I would like some help with. Just getting back into Magic and I want to get a cheap Mono-Black Pioneer deck. The main questions for this deck are: what finishers can fit in this deck (perhaps one from the MaybeBoard), and what good card draw is there in Pioneer Mono Black?
I am not an expert on Pauper, but I did want to respond and let Dead_Blue_ know they can change the sort options. When locking at the deck, there is a drop down menu above the card listing that can change how cards are sorted. Choosing “Type” will allow you to see the deck displayed as you are used to, without OP having to change the sort options away from what works for them.
October 31, 2022 1:08 p.m.
mememan3310 says... #5
Hey there you two, thanks for responding! I have changed it to be default now, but that is a good trick to know!
As for your suggestions, Blue, yeah Sheoldred, the Apocalypse is fantastic, I see why it's an expensive card. As for Desecration Demon, I may need you to sell me on it a bit. I just filled in my 4 mana drops on my curve with Gonti, Lord of Luxury and Rankle, Master of Pranks as card draw, but I'm open to suggestions for that slot. However, it seems like Spawn of Mayhem would be a better flying beatdown creature for the same mana or less (with Spectacle), right?
Also, I have 4x of both Vampire Nighthawk AND Nighthawk Scavenger, that's the core of the deck, those two as well as Vampire of the Dire Moon and Gifted Aetherborn.
I really like the sound of mono black devotion, what would that look like? What cards go into it? I assume Gray Merchant of Asphodel is a 4x of as a finisher, but what else?
October 31, 2022 1:27 p.m.
Here's a sample mono-black devotion deck for Pioneer. (I don't have links enabled, sorry.)
It's very much not a budget deck, but it should give some ideas. Invoke Despair is a good setup that can double as a finisher, Evolved Sleeper provides early pressure that scales up, and Murderous Rider is good control, although your 3-mana slot seems to be pretty well-filled now. All of these are relatively budget cards, topping out at $2 each right now. If that's still too much, there's reasonable options below fifty cents.
October 31, 2022 2:06 p.m.
mememan3310 says... #7
Hello, Legend, thanks for commenting.
I took a look at the decklist and yeah, it's not as appealing to me as I thought it would be.
However, your suggestion for Invoke Despair seems really nice. It's a finisher, it does damage, it draws. What do you think I could pull out for it? I'm thinking Rankle, Master of Pranks, Gray Merchant of Asphodel, or both.
October 31, 2022 3:02 p.m.
Dead_Blue_ says... #8
Yea that’s barely a MBD list and certainly not the kind of deck I was recommending
I’ll put together a list for you
October 31, 2022 3:17 p.m.
mememan3310 says... #9
I'm also going to swap out my Vampire of the Dire Moons for some Evolved Sleepers. That card looks crazy good in the event of flooding out.
October 31, 2022 3:17 p.m.
Dead_Blue_ says... #10
I was suggesting something more like this Mono-Black Devotion
Under 100$ and you could easily slot Evolved Sleeper or any other cards you really like into it
October 31, 2022 3:27 p.m.
mememan3310 says... #11
Ahhh, I see. I could see a deck being made from both of those put together... I'll definitely have to revisit that, but I think that would be a totally different deck. However, Nightveil Specter seems really good. I wonder if that'd be better than any of my current 3 drops? Gonna edit my deck to ask about that and throw that in the MaybeBoard too.
Dead_Blue_ says... #2
Man it’s really hard to tell what’s going on based off the way you have your deck organized, may I suggest just using the default sorting method?
As for finishers if budget wasn’t a concern then Sheoldred, the Apocalypse is where it’s at right now
Since it is though how about Desecration Demon?
You could probably swap Vampire Nighthawk for Nighthawk Scavenger
Honestly I’d just build mono black devotion
October 31, 2022 1 p.m.