Getting into standard (that sounds taboo...)

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 8, 2013, 2:11 a.m. by Three-Left-Feet

I already own the current deck I've posted (sideboard aside), and I know, it's a Generic Mono-Blue Devotion... I totally net-decked, but I haven't played standard since before Dragon's Maze, so I didn't feel comfortable without my Invisible Stalker + Runechanter's Pike Control deck...

My main concerns right now involve the sideboard (my meta is composed of a LOT of Control players...) primarily, and then sleight improvements with the deck itself.

Mono-U Devotion

Thank you for your time

Slycne says... #2

You're pretty well set, it's a solid list and the sideboard is already about as tuned as it's going to get. If anything it's a little too dedicated to control right now. Devotion decks can't bring in that many cards before you start screwing up your counts.

Side out the removal, the bad top decks, switch to more resilient late game threats and bring in the grindy cards and some counters.

December 8, 2013 2:39 a.m.

Yeah, I figured I dedicated too much to control.. I just don't know what else is in my meta right now, haha.

I guess I do need to keep in mind just how important the devotion mechanic is, haha. Switching in too many spells does binder things..

December 8, 2013 2:42 a.m.

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