Gideon, Champion of Justice in Boros Humans deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 4, 2013, 8:45 a.m. by DarkHero
Gideon, Champion of Justice So I came across a Gideon, Champion of Justice recently, and I saw potential in the fact that he has the ability to become a very big indestructible human. I would think that he triggers Champion of the Parish and could be the proverbial immovable object in a deck where almost every creature can be killed by almost every kill spell including Tragic Slip without morbid. Gideon can still be caught off guard by the likes of Death Wind while he is in human form, but this is why he is almost purely a situational planeswalker. His ultimate is a possible last ditch effort win con if you can use it while still keeping him alive to finish your opponent off. Just looking for thoughts on if and how I should include him. He probably will be best in sideboard, but he seems to have mainboard potential. I want to make him effective because hes getting a lot of hate. The deck is Vigilante Aggression.
yeah that was my fear. but even without triggering the champs he can still end up being my biggest creature. Don't know that I need one, but its an idea.
March 4, 2013 9:03 a.m.
I personally think he's really good. I'm using him in control right now despite all the sour talk he gets, and I like him a lot. Test with him and see how it goes. Don't have any?
A) Get some now. He will not be this cheap again after somebody decides to win a tournament or two with him.B) Proxy him up for testing using a checklist card or a basic land or something. You'll probably want to buy some soon afterwards.
March 4, 2013 10:07 a.m.
I played him in a large competitive tournament. He is not good in an aggressive deck. You need something that has an immediate effect on the game, and Gideon, Champion of Justice doesn't do that. He instead gains incremental value instead of immediate value, which can threaten to win the game down the line, but not immediately which an aggressive deck seeks to do. I would advise against him unless you specifically build a support shell around him, such as in Craig Wescoe's Boros Champions deck.
March 4, 2013 10:08 a.m.
Im going to playtest with it and see how it goes. the temptation of having him turn into a large indestructible human is too high not to. I did purchase one recently thinking that he will gain value. Hopefully he does, but if no one figures out how to use him more effectively he wont.
March 4, 2013 10:12 a.m.
I added him to the sideboard for now. He defintely struggles againsts decks with little or no creatures for obvious reasons, but if he is out and gaining loyalty quick, he is an amazing beat stick. Its easier to think of him like a big creature that you cant block with than a planeswalker. I found myself turning him into an 8/8 indestructible human at the beginning of my first turn after playing him and pairing him with Silverblade Paladin for the win. Felt pretty cool doing that.
March 4, 2013 10:55 a.m.
nathansampson says... #8
I have had good luck with him pop the +1 when there a re a lot of creatures out there and 2 turns later I pop his ultimate take him and start swinging away at my opponent. Even with just casting him he takes some heat away from you and your creatures for a little while.
UmbrotheUmbreon says... #2
Duly note Gideon, Champion of Justice will NOT trigger Champion of the Parish, since he doesn't enter the battlefield as a human. He just turns into one.
A deck chuck full of enchantments to slow creatures down from attacking can help him ultimate. I made an Orzhov deck for him Death is an Escape. Here, there is no Escape
March 4, 2013 8:48 a.m.