Gift of Immortality in a r/w heavy red
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 6, 2013, 4:03 p.m. by DakFarrel212
I want Gift of Immortality in the deck for Anax and Cymede but I'm not sure it would work. my deck is Theros Boros Smackdown I have three of them and I'm thinking of putting them in the side board. Thanks for your help.
Depends on how heavy your local meta is on decks that use a lot of spot removal spells. In terms of what stuff you'd be looking to side out, it would be the 2 Madcap Skills
. So you could start with 2 in the sideboard. Stormbreath Dragon
and Heliod, God of the Sun
can likely both get the axe. In a 20 land deck, they are just not going to come out in a timely manner, and you're not going to be generating enough devotion to get Heliod, God of the Sun
online without more double and triple W.
That said, a lot of your sideboard space is currently just running alternate creatures. While some creatures might be better in some match-up than others, like say Banisher Priest . I'd recommend starting with your most aggressive suite, and save the sideboard for retooling to meet certain needs. So like move the Daring Skyjek Firedrinker Satyr to the mainboard, and pull the Skullcrack and Legion Loyalist to the side.
December 6, 2013 6:11 p.m.
DakFarrel212 says... #5
Well the loyalist provide fast damage and with a madcap on it it becomes scary. At the moment I own 0 banisher priests but I'll put that on my shopping list thanks for the help would Purphoros be good in this?
December 6, 2013 7:19 p.m.
Personal rant against Legion Loyalist : Legion Loyalist takes 20 turns you kill your opponent. That's not fast damage. At the very least I wouldn't run the full playset. A hand with 2 or more is miserably slow. The haste doesn't make up for the fact that it's the slowest clock possible. It puts almost zero pressure on your opponent by itself, and it basically trades or gets eaten by anything. There's just such a narrow window for when it's good. By itself it's bad, if you're way ahead it's not great, which leaves that in between phase where you're guys are just big enough to first strike through.
Purphoros, God of the Forge has much the same problem as Heliod, God of the Sun . The gods are rarely worth running only for their effect, so you need the deck to be devoted enough to a single color to be able to reliably turn them on. This usually means having big juicy 3 devotion cards like Boros Reckoner and even running stuff like Frostburn Weird . There's just not enough red symbols in the deck to make it worth it right now.
December 7, 2013 12:34 a.m.
DakFarrel212 says... #7
Ok I'm going to a card store today why cards should I get? I'm thinking 4 banisherpriest 2 reconers some gods willings and some others but not sure yet can you help?
Slycne says... #2
Not worth it. You're the beatdown aggro deck, you want to minimize any card that doesn't actively contribute to attacking your opponents life total. Or at least one that require you tapping out at sorcery speed. This is why Boros Charm is so nice because not only is a protection but it also is reach.
Gift of Immortality just opens up the opportunity for them to kill in response and 2 for 1 you, one of the last things you want to have happen as an aggro deck - and is poorly the kind of decks you'd want to be able to protect your team. You're trying to sneak under their cards and run them out of answers. You're also a hyper aggressively curved deck. Even if you were to stick a Gift of Immortality it's only going to be recurring some 2 power creature.
Boros Charm , Brave the Elements and Gods Willing are all much better are doing the same job. Boros Charm as mentioned is protection and reach. Brave the Elements can protect all your white creatures from cards like Anger of the Gods and it will often double as a means of unblockable to end the game. Gods Willing doesn't have quite the impact of Brave the Elements , but "counter-ing" a card like Hero's Downfall for 1 mana and getting to scry off it is pretty nasty against spot removal decks.
December 6, 2013 5:48 p.m.