Goblin EDH
Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 24, 2013, 2:51 a.m. by TJMadMan
Goblins are my favorite tribal, and i was wondering if i could get any positive feedback about how to possibly make it any faster? My playgroup hates it, but i love it! Anyway, here it is!
Goblin EDH
also note, my budget is very low for this deck. If any suggestions are more than say 3,4 dollars, please provide a compelling case why to get said card, like versatility and a strong card for a plethora of decks. thanks =]
killroy726 says... #3
nix the goblin grenade I just saw that in your deck nevermind that sorry
killroy726 says... #2
There are some better goblin cards out there like Warren Instigator , and Goblin Lackey . some other spells you might include are Raid Bombardment , Goblin Grenade , and possibly Empty the Warrens . I would also include Door of Destinies over your coat of arms its so that card backfires against you since the coat is mass and the door only applies to you.
September 24, 2013 7:24 a.m.