Gods - consider creature or spell for construction?

Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 19, 2014, 5:03 p.m. by gegonut

When trying to stay in a particular land-creature-spell ratio, should I consider Gods to be creatures or spells? I primarily want the enchantment ability, but since it can technically become a creature, I'm not sure which to consider it for balancing.

Epochalyptik says... #2

I don't see the point in trying to maintain a ratio like that. You should be determining the viability of each card based on how it will perform in the possible scenarios, and how it will make the deck perform in the possible scenarios.

You might be interested in some of the articles on my profile page. They deal with deckbuilding theory.

February 19, 2014 5:07 p.m.

If you're going to be strict about your ratios (which is a bad idea, usually), then you're best off counting the Gods as spells rather than creatures. Always build expecting each card to perform at minimum efficiency. Going into any scenario only planning on the best-case is usually a recipe for disaster.

February 19, 2014 5:09 p.m.

Blakkhand says... #4

The only time a spell to creature ratio matters is when you're doing limited. Even then, it's very contextual.

February 19, 2014 5:13 p.m.

gegonut says... #5

Thank you guys for the advice. I'm going to do some more reading up on deckbuilding strategy.

February 19, 2014 5:15 p.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #6

Yeah, working out ratios for creatures/spells and such really only tends to count effectively for Limited rather than Constructed.

February 19, 2014 5:59 p.m.

vampirelazarus says... #7

That being said, I know it helped me when I started building decks to work out ratios with relation to lands vs spells.

February 19, 2014 6:01 p.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #8

Well true, the basics are quite important. Land/spell ratio is typically more important to learn compared to creature/noncreature however, that is more useful in Limited. Constructed less so, especially in older formats.

February 19, 2014 6:52 p.m.

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