Going to an IQ next weekend.
Deck Help forum
Posted on June 20, 2013, 7:27 p.m. by bigdamnhero
As the title says I am taking my U/W/R flash deck to an IQ at my lgs next weekend and I just want some advice on cards that I might be missing or cards that I could play that are in my colors. Niv-Mizzet President of the United States. I've played against prime speaker bant today and had some trouble. What I'm really looking for is popular decks and cards that work well against those decks that I am not playing. Thanks in advance.
bigdamnhero says... #3
The Jace, Memory Adept
is a nod to control that was everywhere in my meta a few weeks ago. However since everything is shifting towards aggro I can see him coming out. Turn / Burn
has actually done good work out of the board for me. I feel like two mana for two damage just isn't good enough but in a few slower match ups it is just a great card. Searing Spear
is the one card that I want to find room for the most but Mizzium Mortars
has been really good for me. Izzet Charm
functions as my Dispel
or Negate
but it can do more with a shock effect or, in a pinch, discard and draw two cards.
detentionsphere says... #2
The deck seems pretty good. I would probably cut the Jace, the Niv-Mizzet, a Rewind . and an Izzet Charm for some combination of Turn / Burn and Searing Spear , or potentially a 2nd AEtherling . The sideboard definitely needs more Rest in Peace , and Turn / Burn doesn't seem high-impact enough for a sideboard card. I would also want some number of Dispel and/or Negate in the sideboard. Counterflux is all well and good, but having a number of cheap counterspells is extremely important vs control.
June 21, 2013 2:18 a.m.