Golgari commander deck Opinions

Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 11, 2024, 11:54 a.m. by RockIV

Hi everyone, ive been recently building some commander decks. Lately ive made a monoblack commander, but after playing with it, i decided to transform it into a golgari.

Rocks Golgari power of death Commander

Im using Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord as my commander, my strategy is going to summon big creatures and sacrifice them (in the right moment) to do damage to all my oponents.

im using some reanimator spells to be able to bring them back, like Entomb, Buried Alive, Exhume. Animate Dead, etc. I decided not to include Reanimate, because of the life loss.

right now, i included more than 15 mana ramps, to be able to get the enought mana to cast the strong creatures as early as i can.

i still not shure if the creatures i choose are the correct ones, and also if the number of creatures is the correct.

i feel that creatures like Desecration Demon, Spiritmonger and Skarrg Goliath can be replaced for something better like, a Terastodon or a Hydra Broodmaster

what do you guys think? suggestion will be deeply apreciated.

ty for everyone that read or comment on this post and in the last one too :D

Im crunched for time, especially since I just posted somewhere else, but what about Echo cards? Do you have any of those? It’s the first thing that came to mind while reading your post and I think there might be some value there!! This sounds like a fun deck, I forgot about that commander and am excited to see what you end up with!!

August 11, 2024 1:45 p.m.

RockIV says... #3

interesting FormOverFunction, when i was a kid , i used to buy the urzas precon, remeber getting some eco cards in those decks.

Yavimaya Granger could be a good mana ramping card and it can die to help the commander, also Bone Shredder

is there any other interesting eco card that you remeber? ty for the advice, i will consider it

August 11, 2024 3:14 p.m.

RockIV says... #4

ive been thinking and im probably taking out Desecration Demon, Spiritmonger and Skarrg Goliath and add Stonehoof Chieftain, Plated Slagwurm and maybe Hydra Broodmaster and Gleancrawler or Carnage Wurm or Yargle, Glutton of Urborg

im also cheking some other supporting cards like Binding the Old Gods, Bone Shredder, Yavimaya Granger

also Ghoultree and Unnatural Growth that have been recomended by some users could be good adds too

August 11, 2024 4:49 p.m.

SteelSentry says... #5

I run Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord in a couple of decks in the 99. My two favorite cards to pair with him are Mossbridge Troll which is especially easy to activate if Jarad is big enough, and Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar as a way to close out games, being able to recur itself and sac multiple times if you're running out of gas.

August 11, 2024 9:01 p.m.

Niko9 says... #6

I have a G/B 60 card sac deck, and here are a few things that have been really good in that deck. Not sure if all will work for yours, but figured I'd throw out a few cards : )

Crashing Drawbridge I love giving big pay off creatures haste and if you don't need it then it's a sac target.

Eradicator Valkyrie Hits each opponent for a sac and can snowball by itself

Nether Traitor the sac you can always sac : )

Neverwinter Dryad is another tribe elder kinda

Storrev, Devkarin Lich is pretty great

Deadly Dispute such a great value engine and works awesome with things like Shambling Ghast

Tragic Slip is one of the best 1for1 removal spells in a deck where things are consistently dying around the table

Braids, Arisen Nightmare can be a very strong value engine

Rankle, Master of Pranks hits with haste early and can really shape the table

Bitterblossom can create a good stream of tokens to sac

August 12, 2024 7 a.m.

RockIV says... #7

Nice advices guys, i Will add Mossbridge Troll to the deck. I will consider all the other creaturas too!

August 12, 2024 6:07 p.m.

World_Peace says... #8

I would drastically cut the amount of non-creature spells and focus almost entirely on the loop of sacrificing creatures with ETB abilities and getting them back to sacrifice again. Instead of listing creatures I recommend I will link my golgari reanimate list and you can pick and choose the ones you like.


August 13, 2024 2:31 p.m.

RockIV says... #9

i will check it!

August 14, 2024 8:18 p.m.

RockIV says... #10

Made some changes to the deck. I end up with 26 creatures, i feel that i might bee a little low on big creatures, i may need more.

August 24, 2024 8:25 p.m.

RockIV says... #11

im probably making some changes , im going to try to at least have 30 - 33 creatures

August 24, 2024 8:39 p.m.

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