Golgari Control: Nighthawk & Dreg Mangler VS. Wolfir Avenger & Predator Ooze

Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 26, 2013, 10:43 a.m. by meecht

I've been working on building Golgari Control (aka Rock) for a couple weeks now, and I like the way it looks, so far, even though I haven't playtested it yet.

My deck is Rock You Like A Hurricane.

Recently, I've been second guessing a couple creature choices, namely Dreg Mangler and Vampire Nighthawk .

Dreg Mangler seems like a good way to add a little aggression early on, but it's the scavenge ability that really seems most important. Scavenge allows me to discard him to Lotleth Troll for a counter, then scavenge for more counters on Troll or another creature. He seems really efficient in this deck.

Vampire Nighthawk shouldn't need any real explanation on his value. Lifelink, flying, and deathtouch on a 2/3 body for 1BB is nice to have, but I don't think he's efficient ENOUGH for the deck. I feel he dies too easy in this meta of 3/x first strikers to be a decent blocker.

The alternatives are Predator Ooze and Wolfir Avenger .

Predator Ooze seems really relevant with his indestructibility, especially against any deck that doesn't run Tragic Slip . Sure, he could be the target of Oblivion Ring or Detention Sphere , but so can just about any other creature in Standard. It's like a green Fog Bank that can't be burned down.

Wolfir Avenger has a cheap regenerate cost, a decent 3/3 body, and provides a combat trick. The regenerate allows him to block all day and survive Supreme Verdict , and the 3 power takes out a lot of creatures. Even if the creature has first strike, the block would still occur, but I would keep my Avenger if I'm able to regenerate it. I would have to remember to keep mana open for that.

Any suggestions? If I'm overlooking any creatures, please let me know that, too. For the record, Thragtusk is more midrange than control due to his 3 toughness causing him (and his token) to die to everything. He may be 2 creatures in one and gives 5 health, but he has no "staying power."

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