Golgari Standard Help Needed!
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 10, 2014, 2:56 p.m. by Aroix
This is my current collection and trying to make G/B work in standard. At a bit of a loss currently due to Varolz, the Scar-Striped not actually effecting Nighthowler and not sure where the deck is aiming for now.
My aim is to Incorporate Agent of the Fates + Nighthowler + Reaper of the Wilds
Any help on how this deck can be improved with a bit of a direction would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the deck:
Use, Reuse and Abuse Playtest
abenz419 says... #2
hmm... I'm currently running a golgari deck at FNM but it's a very different kind of deck than what your running. You said you don't like how Varolz, the Scar-Striped and Nighthowler interact but I don't think that will be a big issue since you only run 2 of them. Plus I think keeping Voralz will give you tons of value and provide you with additional win-cons without taking away from your decks overall strategy. For example, like when you see Lotleth Troll and Varolz in your opening hand, you'll be able to get off to a fast start with the troll and then get added value in the form of counters from varolz for all the creatures you discard. If I were you, I would cut the Agent of the Fates even though I know you said you want to include them. You only have 2 things you can target the agent (not counting bestow because you won't always cast it for bestow) with so it's basically just a 3/2 with deathtouch that rarely can attack into your opponent because it regularly trades down with smaller creatures because of it's 2 toughness. I would add in Witchstalker . This gives you a hexproof creature to bestow Nighthowler on, with a graveyard filled with creatures that's protection for a big beatstick. It also gives you a really big creature that you can sacrifice to Jarad's ability to make your opponents lose life, and after sacrificing the Witchstalker your left with Nighthowler , which will still be almost as big, that you can sac for life loss as well, which can be a great way to finish your opponent, if your giant beatsticks aren't getting through. Now all you would need is to make sure your graveyard is constantly filled and between Deadbridge Chant and Lotleth Troll your off to a good start, I would suggest cutting Treasure find and Ordeal of Nylea for Grisly Salvage . With Jarad and Nighthowler keeping your graveyard stocked is more important than pulling things from it and Grisly Salvage is a good way to fuel those two while digging for a creature you need or getting fuel for Lotleth Troll or even making sure you hit your land drops early on. Then my final suggestion would be to get rid of Bow of Nylea so you can run 24x lands, and you need to get some Overgrown Tomb . With no other mana fixing, guildgates aren't going to be sufficient enough to make sure you have both colors when you need them and having your only duel colored sources always come into play tapped won't be fun. Sorry this was so long, just wanted to explain myself a little rather than just throw card names at you.
Also, like I said, I've been playing B/G for the last couple of months now at FNM (20-40 people each week depending on weather) and have been doing really well with it so it can be competitive. Though, as I mentioned, our decks are quite different. Here's mine in case it gives you any ideas though....
A Tapped Out Collaberation Playtest
Standard abenz419
SCORE: 4 | 0 COMMENTS | 369 VIEWSFebruary 10, 2014 4:31 p.m.