golgari standard, help please!
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 4, 2014, 9:26 p.m. by derecksisco
I've been playing simic for a while now and I'm ready for a change, this is the deck I came up with, aside from hero's downfall and some shocklands I have everything to make this deck, and as of right now I don't play on using either of the aforementioned cards, the idea is to turn into a monster around turn 4, using the new tribute mechanic to either destroy permanents, or get beefy things out to win with, I've listed a general explanation behind why I put in what I did, but I want to be a contender in this week's FNM so I need some help polishing the deck seeing that I don't have much time to playtest from now until then. Anywho this is what I have
Golgari Midrange (please help me) Playtest
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 33 VIEWSand if you go to my other decks, the deck I have been running recently is called original simic, if you're feeling overly generous with information feel free to make suggestions there, too! Thanks
original simic Playtest