Good Black and Green cards
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 9, 2013, 10:49 a.m. by abenz419
I'm thinking about putting together a B/G deck. I'm just not exactly sure what direction I want to go. B/G would be something different than what I've built before which is why I want to do it. What I want to know is, what are some different strategies that B/G uses, and what are some staple cards in those kinds of decks?
ok that's all very interesting stuff. I've been doing more thinking about it and I think the black is a good splash for removal, like the Putrefy you mentioned and things like Doom Blade and Ultimate Price . I also think that the direction I want to go is towards a midrange deck, using some ramp to try and get there sooner. I should have mentioned that I want this to be standard, so that's my fault for leaving that out. I like the whole graveyard interaction and also have some Whip of Erebos I could put in to go along with that, can you think of anything else that would be good and is also standard??
November 9, 2013 11:38 a.m.
BlastercoolWeird says... #5
Ah yes, G/B, one of my favorite color combinations.
If you're looking to ramp into big threats and then recur them with things like the Whip of Erebos there's Polukranos, World Eater , Kalonian Hydra and maybe Desecration Demon .
You could use Deadbridge Goliath in place of Polukranos in a pinch, trading off the pump+fight power for a built-in means of getting back value. If you do end up in a decklist with a lot of +1/+1 counters going around there's Corpsejack Menace for consideration
Reaper of the Wilds could be alright, but I haven't had much chance to play with her.
November 9, 2013 12:09 p.m.
ahh yes, Those would all be some beastly creatures to ramp into. Only thing is which ones would I use, as they are all 4 drops except the Kalonian Hydra . I do already have the Desecration Demon though and a Reaper of the Wilds and I think I could trade my buddy to get his off of him. I also like the Dreg Mangler that pookypuppy6 mentioned, and actually saw those at my LGS earlier today. This is all a good start, anyone else have any ideas? There has been a lot of good stuff mentioned already.
November 9, 2013 1:20 p.m.
Those are good suggestions too, but I think those would be harder to get as I don't currently have any Deathrite Shaman or Scavenging Ooze and I don't remember seeing anyone with these in their trade binders last night as I was looking around.
Ok here is stuff that I'm pretty sure that I want to incorporate into the deck, Elvish Mystic and Sylvan Caryatid for some ramp, Experiment One , Lotleth Troll Desecration Demon , and maybe Reaper of the Wilds and maybe Scavenging Ooze as the start of my creature base. Some combination of Abrupt Decay , Putrefy , Doom Blade , and maybe Ultimate Price for a removal package and some Whip of Erebos . What is some stuff that would work well with these cards? Nothing is set in stone and I don't know how many of each card would be going in yet, still trying to figure out what kind of card interactions would work with these cards before I start making any concrete decisions.
pookypuppy6 says... #2
Black/Green is most commonly known for interacting with the graveyard, with mechanics like Scavenge (e.g: Sluiceway Scorpion or Dreg Mangler ) and Dredge (e.g: Greater Mossdog or Darkblast ) being exclusively in those colours. Green/Black is also almost exclusively the colours of the mechanic Deathtouch, from Deadly Recluse to Harvester of Souls .
"Staple" gold cards in these colours basically boil down to Putrefy as your premiere removal spell, but there are many other cards to take inspiration for a deck from, including Worm Harvest , Gleancrawler , Varolz, the Scar-Striped , Doomgape and more!
November 9, 2013 11:22 a.m.