Good Green Finisher?
Deck Help forum
Posted on June 18, 2013, 4:23 p.m. by Toruk15
For my Green Deck Green Ringleader I'm looking for a finishing card that cost between 5-6 Mana. Terra Stomper was my first Idea but I would love to hear more suggestions.
Worldspine Wurm is great, but that seems a little out of your mana range lol
June 18, 2013 7:59 p.m.
i would second Craterhoof Behemoth and Giant Adephage as finishers especially the behemoth drop 1-2 of that and people just die. while outside of mana range a little they are worth it
June 18, 2013 11:11 p.m.
It might not be that great in your deck, but a well-timed Wild Beastmaster with a Giant Growth (or a card like that) could really do some damage, especially if you're attacking with a bunch of creatures.
June 19, 2013 12:02 a.m.
Oh god, Wild Beastmaster and Craterhoof Behemoth attacking at the same time. Especially if you Giant Growth or Phytoburst one of them. Dear lord.
June 19, 2013 12:09 a.m.
If you're willing to splash for it, I would suggest running Kessig Wolf Run ... use a few Stomping Ground for your red mana source, so you don't hinder Dungrove Elder .
I also like that Primeval Titan would let you grab your win-con, AND your red mana if needed, when he comes into play.... though you might then consider Farseek over Cultivate .
June 19, 2013 8:07 a.m.
Overwhelming Stampede , Overrun , Craterhoof Behemoth , Primordial Hydra , Khalni Hydra are just a few.
Cdawg44 says... #2
Craterhoof Behemoth ends games.
Vorapede can really wreck people.
It depends on your format to be honest.
June 18, 2013 5:41 p.m.