Good Modern Sideboard Cards: List
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 25, 2013, 6:30 a.m. by ExpectDragons
I'd like to start a thread dedicated to listed good sideboard cards within the modern format as sideboarding isn't easy and can influence main board choices and of course it's influenced by local meta. At the moment my i have good sideboard cards but not necessarily good cards for my local meta so i need to think differently about it, rather than sideboarding in good situational cards covering a wide variety of match ups i need to concentrate on dealing with my local group and to do that i need to see the options available, as do many others.
let me get things rolling with some cards i use, as you can see i mainly play naya colours lol
Eyes of the Wisent Privileged Position Wheel of Sun and Moon Pyroclasm Darksteel Forge Sigarda, Host of Herons Gleeful Sabotage Ancient Grudge Aura of Silence Raking Canopy Gravity Well Stigma Lasher Rest in Peace Ground Seal Karma Choke Savage Summoning Witchbane Orb Day of Judgment Celestial Purge Grand Abolisher Vexing Shusher Dosan the Falling Leaf Celestial Flare Oblivion Ring Phyrexian Unlife Spreading Algae
MagicalHacker says... #3
Leyline of Sanctity against combo decks. Golden Urn against aggro (I like it a lot). Pact of Negation against control decks (used only when there is a lethal alpha strike and the control player responds with something).
My $.02
August 25, 2013 9:06 a.m.
It's not the most likely of match ups, but I find Engineered Explosives to be really useful against elves, Merfolk, and affinity decks. Sure you lose some of your creatures, but I find it more effective than maelstrom pulse. Shadow of doubt is great against Tron to keep them from getting lands, scapeshift to keep them from getting their mountain, and an extremely unlikely matchup of Wargate. Against Tron, splinter twin, kikki, rdw, and bant auras I love spellskite. Also, seeing as how splinter twin will combo off of deceiver exarch or the fairy I can't think of, which are both either power or toughness of one, golgari charm takes away all the damage or all their creatures
August 25, 2013 12:25 p.m.
Shadow of Doubt and Spellskite are good for sideboarding in control decks, and Sowing Salt poops on Tron.
August 25, 2013 2:04 p.m.
ExpectDragons says... #6
let's keep this going, getting some good suggestions here :) i primarily play selesnya or naya, anyone got good suggestions in those colours and just general artifacts that would be really appreciated as i'm trying to tailor my sideboard towards meta hate atm
August 31, 2013 10:17 p.m.
This a great thread. I'm relatively new to Magic/Modern so my knowledge of old sets is limited. My White Weenie sideboard needs some serious help. One card that is in my sideboard that has done me well is Thalia, Guardian of Thraben in addition to Oblivion Ring .
October 5, 2013 5:59 p.m.
ExpectDragons says... #8
one's i've been using lately: Pithing Needle useful against a host of cards, Glaring Spotlight & Celestial Flare as unfortunately there's a boggle deck in my meta, Leonin Arbiter as it hit's fetches quite nicely and plenty of other cards, Firespout i've found to be an excellent board sweeper helping me win a few games, Blind Obedience against flash and cards brought in off AEther Vial
October 6, 2013 8:01 a.m.
Tormod's Crypt is awesome to get rid of graveyards! it trumps Grafdigger's Cage in my book
MollyMab says... #2
Of all the cards you listed, there aren't many there worth having in the sideboard. Pyroclasm, Ancient Grudge, Rest in Peace, Day of Judgement, Celestial Purge, Oblivion Ring are the only ones that might see play in sideboards.
The rest have better options or are too weak for modern or don't hate any real deck
In every sideboard I build, I tend to run 2-3 pieces of hate for Artifacts or the Graveyard.
Normally for artifacts it is Nature's Claim (instant speed removal for enchantments/artifacts for G, which is important when Blood Moon is a thing) or Ancient Grudge (flashbackable artifact hate for 2 for 1ing affinity and tron)
For graveyards, you don't have many options. Relic of Progenitus cantrips and exiles all graveyards for shutting off Oooz, Goyf, Shaman, Flashback. Grafdigger's Cage is good for stopping reanimator/pod but does nothing versus any creature like Goyf. Rest in Peace does exile everything, but no cantrip/can be played around, and it requires you do nothing with your graveyard (so in Naya, it turns off your own Scavenging Ooze s.)
August 25, 2013 7:23 a.m.