Good uses for bad cards

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 17, 2024, 7:55 p.m. by Bookrook

Does anybody have any uses for the following cards? Perferably the deck is centered around that card. The cards I’m looking for ideas on are:

Wood Elemental

Goblin Sappers

Sorrow's Path

Ugin's Nexus

Asmodeus the Archfiend

Knowledge Pool

The Toymaker's Trap


Winter Sky

Allure of the Unknown

If you have any other cards, post them here.

Crow_Umbra says... #2

A couple of years ago, I used to run a commander deck helmet by Osgir, the Reconstructorfoil. It featured a combo loop using Mirror of Fate + Ugin's Nexus to do a kind of Doomsday pile turns loop.

I can copy/paste the combo loop description if you're interested. Not sure if that's what you might be looking for.

December 17, 2024 8:35 p.m.

Bookrook says... #3

Crow_Umbra Clever! That’s the type of response I’m looking for. Do you have suggestions for the other cards?

December 17, 2024 8:57 p.m.

Crow_Umbra says... #4

I don't have uses for the other cards unfortunately. I'll list the combo in an accordion below:

This combo requires that both Nexus and Mirror be in your graveyard, and that Osgir is not summoning sick.

Main Line

Step 1/Turn 1

  1. Acivate Osgir, creating 2 copies of Ugin's Nexus. One of the copies will automatically die to the Legend Rule,

  2. The 2nd Nexus will be sacrifcied to Osgir's 1st ability (or additional free sac-outlet)

  3. Pass turn with 2 extra turns remaining.

Step 2/Turn 2 (Extra Turn 1)

  1. Activate Osgir, creating two copies of Mirror of Fate.

  2. Activate the first copy of Mirror of Fate, moving your library into exile.

  3. Activate the 2nd copy of Mirror. Return in order from bottom to top: Mirror of Fate, Filler card, Ugin's Nexus, *Codex Shredder

*Codex Shredder on the first iteration, filler card on each iteration afterwards.

Step 3/Turn 3 (Extra Turn 2) 1. Draw Codex Shredder using your draw step.

  1. Play Codex Shredder and activate it targeting yourself to mill Ugin's Nexus.

  2. Proceed to loop from Turn 1.

This will create a finite loop that can be repeated for as many iterations as you have filler cards to insert into the Mirror pile, HOWEVER, you can convert it into a true infinite loop by piling in a card that can exile your own graveyard, such as Tormod's Crypt. Codex Shredder can also be substituted for any way to get Ugin's Nexus into the graveyard without it entering the battlefield.

If you do have a loop going, Blind Obedience can be added to Extort the table as means to win through loops, without necessarily having to rely on beats.

Line Minus Osgir

This line eliminates the need for Osgir, making it ideal for situations where there is a Drannith Magistrate in play or if Osgir has been removed.

Prerequisites: Goblin Welderfoil in play and not summoning sick, Mirror of Fate in graveyard, Ugin's Nexus in hand.

TURN 1: 1. Cast Ugin's Nexus.

  1. Activate Goblin Welderfoil, sacrificing Ugin's Nexus and returning Mirror of Fate. Ugin's Nexus will go to exile as a replacement effect.

  2. Activate Mirror of Fate, sacrificing it and replacing your library with Ugin's Nexus.

  3. Pass turn with one extra turn remaining, and repeat from Turn 1.

December 17, 2024 9:06 p.m.

Icbrgr says... #5

Winter Sky burn is gonna be so hot this Christmas!

December 17, 2024 9:25 p.m.

legendofa says... #6

Knowledge Pool + High Noon/Rule of Law/something like that is a hard lock. Cast a spell, exile it, can't cast the replacement spell because you already cast your spell for the turn.

Or just put it in a chaos deck and make a big mess.

December 17, 2024 10:10 p.m.

Crow_Umbra says... #7

Knowledge Pool could also be paired with Soulless Jailer for additional Stax-y wrinkles

December 17, 2024 11:36 p.m.

legendofa says... #8

Wood Elemental and Sorrow's Path are on pretty much every list of "worst M:tG cards ever". Anything you do with them is going to be gimmicky and flex-y at best, and self-defeating at (the much more likely) worst.

Allure of the Unknown has a proud place in my Rakdos group hug deck.

Prophecy and Goblin Sappers are overcosted/underproductive and have better options. There's nothing really strictly better, but if you're paying to make a creature unblockable for a turn and then lose it, you had better be winning the game right there--do you want to sacrifice it for some reason? If so, is there a better sac outlet? The delayed draw is generally going to be the best part of Propechy. Sideboard if you're playing in a scry- or top-deck-tutor-heavy meta and want some style points.

Winter Sky is unreliable and doesn't offer enough to build around. 1 damage to everything is fine for , and cheap drawing is good, but the player symmetry and randomness reduce its utility.

Asmodeus the Archfiend and The Toymaker's Trap are more fun than powerful, but they're still solid. They can be good build-around support for casual decks. I would say these are the best options if you want to put your brewing hat on.

This doesn't mean that these cards can't or shouldn't be used--if they look fun to you, go for it! But it's going to be hard to optimize most of them because they have a lot of hoops to jump through or just don't do anything worth doing.

December 18, 2024 12:10 a.m.

Bookrook says... #9

Asmodeus is baaasically griselbrand, right? I was thinking no this subject, and I found a clunky combo with wood elemental. You have a Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth, a Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, and a Kormus Bell. Cast Reins of Power, switching your lands with your opponents lands. Then cast a decent-sized wood elemental, sacrificing all of your opponents lands. Then you get all of your lands back at the end of your turn.

December 18, 2024 1:09 a.m.

legendofa says... #10

Bookrook You can cut out some of the middle of that with Living Lands. Lands become Forests, Forests become creatures, swap and sac.

December 18, 2024 1:32 p.m.

RiotRunner789 says... #11

Knowledge Pool combos with Lavinia, Azorius Renegade or Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir.

Lavinia will just counter anything your opponents try to cast out of the pool, while Teferi simply won't let them cast anything since pool works at instant speed.

Many Lavinia decks are centered around Knowledge Pool and Omen Machine since their both difficult locks to get out of.

December 18, 2024 4:04 p.m.

Bookrook says... #12

Asmodeus deck idea: a deck that tries to generate mountains of mana with rituals in a single turn. Activate his draw seven ability in response to itself as many times as possible. Before they resolve, use a sac outlet on him. Let all of the draw abilities resolve.

December 18, 2024 5:33 p.m.

Kazierts says... #13

I'm pretty sure Asmodeus the Archfiend is the easiest to build around. Just dump him into the graveyard and play Necrotic Ooze or Patchwork Crawler. All of the upsides with none of the downsides (although the Ooze is objectively better).

December 18, 2024 8:23 p.m.

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