green cards
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 25, 2013, 3:19 p.m. by ndog86
what green cards are good for a red and green edh deck i have mostly dragons and don't know what good and cheep green cards are out their so if any one could help that would be great
Here's a sample list of green cards I use in my G/B deck, Vhati Killed All .
Birthing Pod , Borderland Ranger , Boundless Realms , Cultivate , Dawntreader Elk , Eternal Witness , Giant Adephage , Howl of the Night Pack , Increasing Savagery , Kessig Cagebreakers , Krosan Grip , Life from the Loam , Pelakka Wurm , Predator Ooze , Primordial Hydra , Silklash Spider , Terastodon , Viridian Emissary , Wolfir Silverheart , Worldspine Wurm , Yeva, Nature's Herald .
Some of those may or may not fit the theme or style of your deck, but might be a good place to start!
August 25, 2013 4:29 p.m.
You'll have to put up a decklist or at least state what you want your deck to do in order for us to help you. If you just want a goodstuff type deck then just fill it to the brim with quality cards.
Stuff like Green Sun's Zenith , Dryad Arbor , Chain Reaction , Chaos Warp , Beast Within , Nature's Claim , Blasphemous Act , etc, are really useful in edh.
NobodyPicksBulbasaur says... #2
It's hard to give a lot of advice without knowing who your General is, but there are a couple cards that should be good in pretty much every deck that runs green.
Krosan Grip is a staple removal choice.
Harmonize is a great green card if you're not running blue.
Sylvan Primordial , Terastodon , and Woodfall Primus all deal with different threats fairly effectively.
Indrik Stomphowler is also a great creature to have around.
August 25, 2013 3:49 p.m.