Green/White Aura/Hexproof Deck Advice?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 20, 2014, 1:07 p.m. by jknigh11
So here is my newly constructed deck:
I havn't had an opportunity to test it out, but am wondering if you guys think it will be competitive. I know Temple Garden would help a great deal but I don't have that kind of money to invest into it.
I'm considering taking out a gift of immortality and putting in another land.
Let me know what you think.
Slycne says... #2
Depends on what you mean by competitive. Could this win some games at FNM, sure. Is it ever going to take down a GP, no.
The biggest issue I see is that none of your creatures are innately able to protect themselves - baring a monstrous Fleecemane Lion , which means your going to get blown out by removal over and over. Even if your able to craft a turn where you stick a Alpha Authority or Gift of Immortality with Gods Willing protection, you've still invested 3 cards to only just begin to build a base to attack from. This means you're really slow to get to the beatdown, and you're also risking awkward draws. Pulling multiple Alpha Authority or Gift of Immortality just slows you down with dead cards.
If you want to keep pushing the aura angle, I would recommend Witchstalker , Gladecover Scout and Fiendslayer Paladin . Unflinching Courage should also be in the list since it's second only to Ethereal Armor as the best aura in standard at the moment.
The other route would be to abandon the enchantment route and make a more typical GW aggro deck. Gets some Experiment One , Soldier of the Pantheon and perhaps a curve topper like Advent of the Wurm .
January 20, 2014 1:35 p.m.