Grixis control matchup
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 21, 2013, 5:56 p.m. by kanofudo
Deck link: The Wizard of Grixis
Looking for some help getting a better sideboard against control decks. I'd like to NOT spend more than $10 on a card, but if I see it a lot as a suggestion, I can spring for it.
The two most common control archetypes I run into are america (WRB) and Bant (WUG), and I really don't think I have anything good to board against them. Any and all help is appreciated.
10vernothin says... #2
I suggest mainboarding pillar of flames,
america, I suggest playing syncopate//Izzet Charm , Counterflux , and Nephalia Drownyard s and in extreme cases notion thief. America flash's biggest weakness is definitely drownyards, since they can't counter it. Counterflux, izzet charm and counterflux for those counter-battles. Aetherling is a must. You might also want to put a Cyclonic Rift or two in case of a rogue assemble the legion.
against Bant, take Essence Scatter , Dimir Charm , Pillar of Flame s, or even Izzet Staticaster . They're really into 1/1 mana-elves or farseek to boost into something big. basically kill off mana elves the turn they're played, counter land ramp and counter big, important creatures.
July 21, 2013 7:24 p.m.