Grixis Guttersnipe Burn
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 19, 2013, 2:43 a.m. by Vieno
Guttersnipe RampageThis is a deck I started as one of my first decks since I started magic, and I just made some changes after getting crushed by burn decks at my first official MTG event. There are only a few things that I feel unsure of in it. First of it worthwhile to actually go grixis? I feel like it might be better to go rakdos, but i'm not sure, as the counter spells from blue, and Spellheart Chimera seem to help me a lot. Secondly, how's my current ratio of cards? It's obvious to see that I really like to use spells, and to be honest, this deck used to have only the guttersnipes. Will it screw me over too much to go with only 8 creatures, or will my removal be good enough? If not, I could really use some creature reccomendations, as I have no idea what else fits the theme very well besides the red creature that gives a 1/1 every time you use an instant or sorcery, which I don't have access to right now. Lastly, are there any other spells that would be good to replace what I have now? I know i'm missing a board wipe card, but I don't have access to Anger of the Gods , and I don't know of any other currently legal field wipes.
Thanks for any feedback you guys leave, it really helps. Hopefully i'll be able to win my first competitive match with the help you guys give! :)
Also, sorry I keep commenting, but if I were you, I would invest in a playset of Hero's Downfall 2 or 3 Dreadbore and 2x Thoughtsieze Kay, should be done now xD Hope I could help a little bit.
Prehstun says... #2
I posted a comment on the deck itself, but if your talking about board sweeping and Red, nothing is better than Mizzium Mortars to me personally. Kills most things early game, kills everything late game xD It's great, Grixis is a really fun color comb from what I've played. If you enjoy it stick with it. I would also run Cyclonic Rift keeps those nasty Green and Golgari potentially 50/50's out of tha battlefield xD
December 19, 2013 10:04 a.m.