Grixis Mill/Burn (Standard)

Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 17, 2013, 5:01 a.m. by Tru

Looking at trying to make a competitive Mill deck Reap Intellect and Mind Grind as the primary source of the mill with cards like Toil / Trouble / Skullcrack for burn and counter life gain, possibly adding things like Paranoid Delusions with Nightveil Specter for more milling and possible mana ramp. I was also thinking about using things like Slaughter Games and rakdos return for more damage and exiling cards like AEtherling and Sphinx's Revelation .

Side deck I was thinking would have things like Duskmantle Seer , Master of Cruelties , Sire Of Insanity and Shrieking Affliction that would give me more utility against other decks as well as adding things like Young Pyromancer , Guttersnipe and Notion Thief

riyoko says... #2

There are two ways i see you can go about this either aggro style mill running the Paranoid Delusions and Nightveil Specter . Also cards like Trepanation Blade and Fiend of the Shadows will be nice cards to look into. Cards like Artful Dodge and Rogue's Passage to help make sure the damage gets through. Or you have the choice of grixis control where its a lot of conrtol and a little mill. Running cards like Thought Scour and Pilfered Plans to help you build up hand size and slowly mill. Then you use cards like Mind Grind and Increasing Confusion for your major mill. The rest would be cards like Skullcrack , Pillar of Flame , and Searing Spear for your creature hate and burn spells. For creature base in this would be Augur of Bolas , Snapcaster Mage , and Jace's Phantasm .

August 17, 2013 4:32 p.m.

Tru says... #3

Not using anything that's from M13 or Innistrad block that I don't have or can't easily replaced, since there's nothing that acts like Snapcaster Mage or Augur of Bolas or Jace's Phantasm I don't be using them. I'm trying to focus on not having to replace half my deck in October, most of the FNM that's played in my town is Modern or Block currently since it's so close.

Also I don't want to trade for Snapcaster Mage because it's still over $20

August 17, 2013 5:29 p.m.

riyoko says... #4

August 17, 2013 6:35 p.m.

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