Gruul Deck
looking for feedback
You can link directly to decks if you encase your deck name ( the last part of the url, in your case, savages-and-satyrs, in double brackets).
So it would look like this: [ [ savages-and-satyrs ] ] without the spaces.
And when entered would turn into this: Savages and Satyrs
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tigersfan774 says... #2
You can link directly to decks if you encase your deck name ( the last part of the url, in your case, savages-and-satyrs, in double brackets).
So it would look like this: [ [ savages-and-satyrs ] ] without the spaces.
And when entered would turn into this: Savages and Satyrs
February 24, 2014 5:54 a.m.