Gruul Modern help
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 30, 2012, 7:01 a.m. by LastEdegy
I am currently creating a modern deck that is competitive enough and fast enough to kill an opponent within 4-7 turns maybe..
I have the following questions:
- Is Vexing Devil compatible with this deck? does it really pressure opponents?
- Is Rancor better than other pump cards such as Colossal Might , Giant Growth and such?
- Do Beast Within makes a better removal? o should i replace it with mass removals such as Pyroclasm or Slagstorm ? or another burn spell?
- what good sideboard cards for this deck?
- is 22 lands good for a fast deck?
AirlockFart says... #4
Hi, I have answers for your questions!
Vexing Devil is a deadly card, but not right for the Gruul Clans. Gruul warriors have to keep up the pressure and kill and smash, Vexing Devil has a tendency to never show to the party, not to mention how much $$ he can cost! For pressure men look to Berserkers of Blood Ridge , Bloodrock Cyclops , and Kuldotha Ringleader . Especially with a Fervor out.
- Rancor vs. Buffing Instants
This is a tough one, as both have their strengths (pun totally intended). Rancor survives even if the creature doesn't, but they tend to see the big nasty thing coming and either kill it or just block the tar out of it when it shows up. The instants allow you to attack and then buff the unblocked fellow (or strategically kill a problematic blocker), but they're a one time gig. It's really up to you and your play style; maybe you'd prefer to sneak in a few violent hits or just smash things. Your call.
- Beast Within vs. Mass Removal
In a red/green deck there are way better options than Beast Within considering it turns one of their guys (likely an annoying utility creature) into an actual threat. It's more for turning your 0/1 Eldrazi into a thing. I'd go for the large-scale removal spells. In particular I like Savage Twister . It matches your colors and it allows you fine tune the damage so your guys live and theirs don't!
- Sideboard Material
First card, anti-flying. Bower Passage makes it so your barbarian hordes always make it through, and you squish them before they peck you to death! Next category, anti-artifacts. I have two suggestions here-Batterhorn and Manic Vandal . They both allow you to destroy key artifacts and then punch them in the face! Perfect! The other consideration would be Vandalblast , against those Tempered Steel Memnite fags. Now it's time for the graveborne getters, and the only two I can think of are basic graveyard hate card:Tormod's Crypt and Decree of Annihilation . There are probably better graveyard killers but I can't think of any.
- Land Count
I'd recommend no less than 22 lands for any deck. That's all I have to say about that.
Hope my comment helps and didn't hurt your eyes with it's wall-of-text nature!
December 6, 2012 6:30 p.m.
lol. your comment really helps, thanks! I appreciate the enumeration of each question.. What do you think about the new gatecrash cards.. Ghor-Clan Rampager can be a great replacement for Vexing Devil .. I can surprise them when don't block one of my creatures after they have declared blockers.. I don't know about Domri Rade .. he looks badass though..
I also got 2 Stomping Ground s from my gatecrash PR event, thinking of putting them both in this deck..
LastEdegy says... #2
July 31, 2012 3:44 a.m.