GW Hex/Enchant post Theros
Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 13, 2013, 2:31 p.m. by GreAsyG
Deck can be found here: GW Hexproof post Theros
This, or something similar, is what I am going to attempt when Theros releases and rotation happens. Need some help with making this deck better. Haven't really thought about a sideboard yet, so I welcome input on that as well.
With what has been spoiled so far in Theros, I don't really care for Gladecover Scout in this deck since after rotation, there will not be any good aura's that can be played on turn two to really make Gladcover Scout worth it. Instead, I think Elvish Visionary would be better since it will allow me to get my 3-drop creatures out on turn two. Elvish Visionary + Sylvan Caryatid will also help me be able to consistently activate monstrosity on Fleecemane Lion without much trouble.
Heliod is in there as another hard to kill creature when devotion allows it. otherwise it gives vigilance to my beefed up hexproof creatures and allows me to pump out enchantment creatures that provide blockers and will also help make my Ethereal Armors bigger.
With Sylvan Caryatid in there, I may splash red so I can play Madcap Skills, in which I will probably bring Gladecover Scout back in since I can cast madcaps on a Scout on turn 2.
10vernothin says... #4
the green ordeal is awesome. It'll ramp you to bigger creatures and since you're going hexproof, it will stick
September 13, 2013 4:27 p.m.
The question is, do I need the extra ramp from Ordeal of Nylea when all my cards cost 4 cmc or less? The only thing that requires more cmc is Fleecemane Lion 's Monstrosity cost which only costs 5cmc. But the Ordeal is definitely something I am thinking about.
September 13, 2013 4:42 p.m.
10vernothin says... #6
hmm true. It does give your creature a +1/+1 counter though.
You can also play that xG hydra as a curvetopper
September 13, 2013 4:48 p.m.
the Mistcutter Hydra is an interesting thought. I would probably have to get rid of Heliod, God of the Sun and go with Nylea, God of the Hunt instead so Mistcutter Hydra has a chance to attack with trample from Nylea on the turn he is played. And then, with all the trample my creatures have, I could maybe add Bow of Nylea so my trample creatures have deathtouch. If thats the case, I should probably just ditch the Aura's except for maybe Unflinching Courage and focus more on hard to kill creatures in a Mid-range kind of deck.
September 13, 2013 4:57 p.m.
Take a look at The Selesnya Paradox, I've been trying to figure out what to do with GW myself
Goody says... #2
I believe you mean Elvish Mystic s, not Elvish Visionary s.
September 13, 2013 4:01 p.m.