Has anyone considered....
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 4, 2014, 3:35 p.m. by ChiefBell
Shadowborn Apostle + Desecration Demon + Alpha Authority .
I've been thinking a lot about desecration demon's sacrifice ability and considered the fact that in the right deck you could easily sacrifice your own stuff to make him absolutely massive. If you have a deck full of Shadowborn Apostle you can sacrifice them to your own demon so that he's like a 10/10 or something. Then I thought about Alpha Authority so he has hexproof.
I know it's silly and a really convoluted strategy but Johnny side needs to be appeased at the moment.
you could always sac them to bring out the demon but that's about it
January 4, 2014 5:15 p.m.
Here's the true Johnny's answer:
Go Modern. Use Sorin Markov and Mindslaver to take their turn. Use Strionic Resonator s to multiply his triggers and sacrifice the opponent's creatures multiple times to him, while also taking their turn.
Unnecessarily convoluted? Yes. Hilarious? Also yes.
erabel says... #2
Two problems with that:
A. Desecration Demon 's sacrifice trigger specifies that an opponent has to sac a creature. You can't do the sacrifice.
B. Even if you could, you can only sacrifice one creature at a time, so you can't just load up on Apostles and sac 'em all at once.
January 4, 2014 3:38 p.m.