Heartless summoning
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 2, 2011, 9:16 p.m. by omgyoav
What ideas have you guys had for decks encorperating Heartless Summoning , blue black controlish combo is where I am currently at but am not exactly satisfied. Myr Superion and Solemn Simulacrum seem to be great things to make cheeper so they might be auto includes. But ideas for a second color and maybe a different direction are good.
Perilous Myr is pretty fun, especially with a Glissa on the field.
Think cards like Acidic Slime and Skinrender ...
Rock is always a great deck and I think heartless ramps it up pretty quickly.
Also, dropping any titan turn 4 is nasty. Always has been.
October 2, 2011 11:31 p.m.
pookypuppy6 says... #5
Bloodgift Demon is a great card-advantage drop turn 3.
I tired to maker a Black/Red burn deck around Heartless Summoning , though it seems clumsy.
October 3, 2011 9:16 a.m.
pookypuppy6 says... #6
Hang on, that link leads to someone else's deck calld Heartburn! I'll give it a different name!
October 3, 2011 9:22 a.m.
check out my heartless summoning deck. this is a tier one deck list that im running at fnm's.
October 3, 2011 9:23 a.m.
Treasure mage + tez makes that list really crisp, i dig it, hows it been running?
October 3, 2011 4:47 p.m.
its been running amazing actually. the other night i was testing decks with a buddy of mine and did a turn 2 heartless summoning and x3 myr superions hahahaha! its been running really well and its alot of fun to play. The main threats for this deck are control and solar flare. if you can side board well and play the deck well you can beat them. a buddy of mine played this deck at fnm last week and topped 8.
bman5604 says... #2
How could you be so heartless!
October 2, 2011 9:22 p.m.