Heartless Summoning Combo, need help
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 6, 2012, 6:41 a.m. by Lazarus
Since Myr Superion cycled out and most artifact creatures cards were from the Mirrodin block. I don't see any current artifact creatures cards that are strong enough to stand on its own for standard.
was thinking perhaps Volatile Rig and Galvanic Juggernaut. any other cards that would be perfect for an artifact heartless deck? Of course within the standard rulings.
meecht says... #2
The only artifact creatures you could take advantage of are:
Warden of the Wall - more of a blocker than anything, but does tap for mana
Chronomaton - only after a few turns, of course
Galvanic Juggernaut - untap requirement kind of sucks
card:Geistcatcher's Rig - free damage to a flyer is nice, especially if you can flicker it
Manor Gargoyle - Indestructible is nice, but it has to lose that attribute to attack
Narstad Scrapper - mana sink
Phyrexian Hulk - vanilla 5/4 creature, would be 4/3 with your plan
Primal Clay - offers a way to fill in whatever you might need at the time
Street Sweeper - maybe helpful against Abundant Growth ?
Volatile Rig - Interesting mechanic, could be a board wipe if it dies
One-Eyed Scarecrow - reduces effectiveness of fliers
Keyrunes - which ones depend on what color mana you decide to use
If you're wanting to try for all-out artifacts with nothing requiring specific colors, you would need to use equipment for your boosts.
Silver-Inlaid Dagger - cheap equipment with a good pump
Sharpened Pitchfork - first-strike is nice
card:Tormentor's Trident - nice pump for your artifacts that have to attack each turn, anyway
card:Vanguard's Shield - equipped to Manor Gargoyle makes it a very effective blocker
Trepanation Blade - semi-mill aspect to your deck, and pump
Mask of Avacyn - protects a creature from removal
Other considerations:
Clock of Omens - you could tap equipment to untap Galvanic Juggernaut
Trading Post - create chump blockers, and you could sac any creature to get another back
card:Conjurer's Closet - for card:Geistcatcher's Rig
Door to Nothingness - alternate win-con?
Elbrus, the Binding Blade Flip - might as well, right?
Elixir of Immortality - extra life, and regain your graveyard
card:Executioner's Hood - colorless can only be blocked by colorless
Gem of Becoming - ramp option, helps to get out lands for Door or Elbrus
Gilded Lotus - ramp
Grimoire of the Dead - gain all your opponent's dead creatures, and you get all your creatures back
Helvault - with some ramp and card:Conjurer's Closet, it could be a nice option for creature removal
card:Inquisitor's Flail - pair with card:Executioner's Hood for nice damage output
Moonsilver Spear - token generator
Otherworld Atlas - mill option for a win-con, and keeps your hand full. You would need to include Reliquary Tower .
Pithing Needle - sideboard against Planeswalkers
Sands of Delirium - another way to include mill
Staff of Nin - good card draw, and extra damage output
card:Traveler's Amulet - deck-thinning and helps get the Door activated
I think I got a little carried away...
November 6, 2012 10:08 a.m.