Help! 4 Daybreak Rangers, 3 Immerwolfs?, Or 3 Rangers, 4 immerwolfs?, in RG werewolf tourney deck.

Deck Help forum

Posted on March 6, 2012, 7:03 a.m. by mikedh1

I have a RG werewolf tournament deck. That went 4-2 vs Blue Delver, Kessig Wolf Run, Shape Anew, Blightsteel, Humans, Spirits, Mono Black Zombie's, at a 50 to 60 player FNM at T and M cards, in Spokane, Washington.

That's not to brag. But to say that I have spent a lot of time, money, etc, on this deck, and it's very close to just barely,borderline,almost being a deck that can semi consistently win against some of the better players, decks, at the toughest of FNM's, city tourneys, convention,fair,expo tourneys, regional tourneys, states tourneys, and maybe even the Grand Prix, PTQ levels.

Again, I don't say that to brag, or to be presumptous, or arrogant, etc. I just need to figure out whether to run 4 Daybreak Rangers, 3 Immerwolfs, or 4 Immerwolfs, 3 Daybreak Rangers.

The deck list right now is at 3 Daybreak Rangers, 4 Mayor of Avabrucks, 3 Huntmasters, 4 Immerwolfs, 3 Phyrexian Metamorphs, 3 Birds of Paradise, 4 Brimstone Volleys, 4 Full Moon's Rises, 3 Moonmist, 3 Garruk Relentless, 3 Chandra the Firebrand. 3 Green Sun's Zenith.

I won't list the sideboard, lands. I do have a sideboard, and lands.

To see the whole deck, here is the deck link: deck:fell-morphic-master-packs-hunt.

I have playtested this deck about 350 to 750 times, during online simulated, playtested sample hand, games, and offline casual games, and have played it at FNM. So the deck is quite effective.

Now the reason why I say that, is altho I would welcome any other suggested advice, then what I am asking about, it would take 1 hell of a convincing, logical, rational, reasonable, persuasive, good selling case, to get me to agree with any suggested advice, and to actually get me to use the advice. But with that in mind, if anybody wants to try to sell me on other changes then what I am asking about, then I am at least willing to listen, be open minded, and maybe even experiment,playtest,try stuff, that people suggest.

Now when any of you answer my question on which of either Daybreak Ranger, or Immerwolf, that they would run 4 of, and which would run 3 of, please don't just vote, or say which 1 they would run 4 of,l and 3 of. Rather please logically explain WHY you would choose 1 to run 4 of, over the other running 3 of.

So which One would you run 4 of? Daybreak Ranger? Immerwolf? And WHY?

Also what do ya all think of my sideboard? and what would any of ya all run in my sideboard?

Anyways, thanks in advance for the help.

And if anybody wants me and others to return the favor, please post a link to your deck, and me and others will probably take a look, and try to help you out.



IAmKingTony says... #2

ImmerwolfMTG Card: Immerwolf. 4 of them and 4 Mayors, for the same reason I run 4 Honors and 4 Virtues in my white token deck.

March 6, 2012 12:56 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #3

Thanks for your comments Tony. So your saying, if I am understabding your comment right, that pumping, and protecting my werewolves from being flipped back, is more important, then killing a blocker, if you have to choose between adding 1 more creature, that kills blockers, and 1 more creature that pumps, protects my werewolves, from being flipped back.

So if that's the case, what if that 1 less Daybreak Ranger, causes none of them to come out, and thus causes me to not to be able to kill enough blockers, to get my pumped werewolves thru?

Also the 3 Daybreak rangers, and the 4 Mayors, are the ONLY werewolves, that I am worried about protecting them from being flipped back.

But then I could just as easily ask, but what if 1 less Immerwolf, causes my Daybreak Ranger to be flipped back, and thus not be able to fight,kill creatures

I can see pros, and cons for running both 4 Daybreaks, 3 immerwolfs, and 4 immerwolfs, 3 Daybreaks. so thats why I asked.

Thanks for answering my question

Could you also post your deck for reference?


March 6, 2012 4:59 p.m.

IAmKingTony says... #4

I do see what you mean and really I guess werewolf aggro is different than white token aggro.

Which deck do you mean? My werewolf deck? You've seen that one lol

March 6, 2012 5:23 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #5

I meant your white token deck. you said my Immerwolf is to werewolves what your Honors and virtues are to your white token deck.

So if you post your white token deck, as reference, then I can go look at how your Honors, and virtues work in your deck, and put your comment in better context in relation to your comparison to Immerwolfs, effect on my and other werewolf decks.

That's why I asked if you would post your white token deck

So can you please post your white token deck?


March 6, 2012 5:38 p.m.

IAmKingTony says... #6

Actually I haven't listed it up on here yet. I'll put it up in a bit and post it here!

March 6, 2012 5:50 p.m.

bcurran says... #7

Run 4 ImmerwolfMTG Card: Immerwolf. This is obviously an aggro deck, you want to focus on killing your opponent. Removal is generally only used to make sure that your team can swing in for the kill.

March 6, 2012 6:55 p.m.

IAmKingTony says... #8


March 6, 2012 11:11 p.m.

This discussion has been closed