Help a New Player Out!
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 25, 2013, 10:12 a.m. by silentsnip3r155
Hello I am new to MTG. I made a deck out of some Core Set 14 and Theros Cards I bought. I was wondering if this deck was good enough for my first FNM?
silentsnip3r155 says... #3
Thanks to all who commented on this page or on the deck itself!
Yananas says... #2
As has been said in the comments of the deck itself, it looks pretty decent, considering it's your first deck it looks good.
About the FNM itself, I don't think you'll win a lot of games. Don't take it too hard though, the people there will be players with a lot more experience and lots more expensive cards. Just take your deck there, you'll learn a lot. Don't be shy, talk with people, ask them for advice maybe. Most importantly, have fun!
Welcome to Magic!
November 25, 2013 11:46 a.m.