help against jund

Deck Help forum

Posted on June 11, 2013, 12:21 p.m. by Sagi007

the few FNM i attend always seem to lose to jund. maybe i didnt sideboard wisely maybe i was unlucky or they lucky i dont know.

technically speaking i should be capable of matching that deck card for card and likewise but still i lose.

planing on going FNM soon again but making it a 3th loss in a row...

whos the master went 2-2 with it last time but couldve went 3-1 cus made lot of 'stupid' plays in other loss.

my sideboard choise against them are -4Pillar of Flame (mb purpose kill huntmaster) -3 barter -1 sever

+3Witchbane Orb against lili and discard

+3Slaughter Games first pick normaly Thragtusk but think huntmaster is a better 1st pick since we lack pillar now.

+2Pithing Needle against lili and garruk.

sry for not having list of that jund deck but its probebly on this site regardless playset huntmaster tusk couple of olivia if not just the complete netdecked version(even if there are couple diffrend versions now inc version running Sire Of Insanity but mind havnt faced sire irl yet only on playtest cocatrice).

toysm1th says... #2

ok little FYI about jund players, we love to bait you.

looking at your deck you should be able to match up fairly well, my main question would be how are you piloting your deck?

when and what you are removing from play?

if they are more on the aggro side are you using your removal prematurely and getting smashed with a real threat coming after or did you have no removal in hand?

not getting full value out of Barter in Blood because they have three creatures in play?

do you need better or different removal? you do not care about life totals so Devour Flesh is an optional card, or a totally different path, in counter magic?

are they playing Slaughter Games and are losing your Master of Cruelties ?

is your Lone Revenant card filtering working against jund?

are they holding back all their removal for your Master of Cruelties ? mainly because there is not a target they care about?

it is hard to say with out seeing you pilot the deck, or how they are piloting their deck, as a deck it looks good, and it seems to have the answers, limited on the alternative kill conditions, but solid

a Snapcaster Mage could be helpful, AEtherling would give you an additional kill condition.

June 11, 2013 1:41 p.m.

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