Help for FNM
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 23, 2014, 10:09 p.m. by ecklament
Hey everyone, I made a post yesterday about being new to magic but I decided to make one more for today to see if I can get more advice. I am new to magic and I have created three decks and was looking for a little more advice on how to reconstruct them before I get destroyed tomorrow night. Thanks for your time.
InconspicuousPotato says... #3
Which one are you planning on playing? And it would help if you linked the deck.
January 23, 2014 10:45 p.m.
Here are the links to your decks:
Spell CounterDeathBurning Forest
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As for helping you with your decks, you have a good start between three major archetypes in Standard right now going on with all three. Your Spell Counter is really close to being Mono-Blue Devotion. You have most of the cards for it already. The same goes for Burning Forest. It's the start to another deck known as Colossal Gruul. Death is a bit all over the place. It looks like it wants to be Mono-Black Devotion, but also has elements of B/W Midrange.
For more information on what I'm referring to, check out this link. It features Mono-Blue Devotion, Mono-Black Devotion, Colossal Gruul, and B/W (Orzhov) Midrange.
My advice to you would be to pick whichever one is your favorite, then trade cards from your existing collection and consolidate everything into one deck. That way, you'll do better at FNM and have a more competitive deck to hopefully win some prizes with. Spell Counter is probably your best bet, since you already have some of the more expensive cards.
Enlightened_Jedi says... #2
what are the decks?
January 23, 2014 10:43 p.m.