Help for hand size victory deck.
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 1, 2012, 7:19 p.m. by Cipher001
My deck relies on cards like Vapor Snag to stall for enough time to get enough cards in my hand, powering up Psychosis Crawler and Sturmgeist . I also have 3 or 4 Mana Leak , but I'm not sure what's a good ratio for unsummon vs counter. Unsummon can be done at any time, but counter is only as the opponent is playing a spell. My deck is Kami Control. Can anyone help?
Here is my hand size deck: The More, The Merrier. It might give you a few ideas.
Cipher001 says... #2
Not the one on the hyperlink, Cipher001's.
December 1, 2012 7:19 p.m.