Help Getting Into Modern
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 2, 2014, 2:12 p.m. by -Fulcrum
I've attempted modern before but this is the first deck I've made that I think has a chance of doing well. I don't expect it to be tier 1 GP quality or whatever, but I would it to be at least a little competitive and would really appreciate any help anyone can give to help point me in the right direction with this deck.
Scream, Aim, Fire Playtest
SCORE: 1 | 0 COMMENTS | 26 VIEWS@ThatBlueMage: I'm actually only playing 2 Dark Confidant . Do you still suggest taking him out? If so, what else should I put in?
January 2, 2014 2:38 p.m.
The only card that immediately sticks out to me is Sword of Light and Shadow . You don't really have the creature base to support swords, both in terms of having targets to equip and having creatures to recur.
January 2, 2014 4:10 p.m.
@Slycne: I see your point there, thanks for the insight. Do you have any suggestion for replacing it?
January 2, 2014 4:51 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #6
War + Peace seems better in this deck if you want to run a sword.
Also, 2 confidants is definitely better than 4, but you really shouldn't need more card draw if you're running the phyrexian arena, so really any spot removal spell would work in his place. Grasp of darkness, for example, or maybe more hero's downfall / thoughtseize
January 2, 2014 6:03 p.m.
If you have the Dark Confidant s run them, they are much much better than Phyrexian Arena . While taking 5 off your Stormbreath Dragon is no fun, it's worth noting that your mana base is far more forgiving to your life total with only 4 shocks and no fetches.
As for additional cards, some extra one mana removal is generally never bad to have around. It's not uncommon for similiar lists like Jund to run 1-2 Pillar of Flame , just because Voice of Resurgence , Kitchen Finks and Murderous Redcap can be annoying for a deck of mostly spot removal.
Servo_Token says... #2
My suggestion would be to take out Dark Confidant , or lower your curve.
You're running 4 of him, so it's obvious that you seem to rely on him, but getting hit for between 3 and 5 every turn just makes it easier for your opponent to finish off the job.
Bob lives in a deck where the average CMC is between 1 and 2.
That being said, I think the deck seems pretty decent, though with the fast decks that are around today, you may have a hard time stabilizing.
January 2, 2014 2:21 p.m.