HELP I hate azorius T_T
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 21, 2014, 2:40 p.m. by Dridane
So I started playing MTG around Dragon's maze, and once I started getting into magic, I wanted to have at least one deck of each guild, but the one deck I've never liked or felt is coherent is my Azorius deck. I don't like the detain keyword at all really. I do like my U/W Heroic unblockable deck I'm running at the moment after I dismantled my crappy detain deck, but it's an aggro /gimmicky deck just like every other deck I play lol. Any suggestions for an enjoyable (preferably budget lol) control type deck or directions to go with Azorius?
AndyReveler says... #3
this is the only thing that comes to mind, tho its not control as control isnt cheap, but this deck is actually pretty good, especially against G devotion or just anything with huge creatures
Puppet Heroes Playtest
SCORE: 8 | 7 COMMENTS | 848 VIEWSFebruary 21, 2014 3:44 p.m.
I run an aggro Azorius with a midrange lean focusing on card advantage. Take a look; it is an option.
The Blessed Beach Playtest
The Doctor says... #2
Control. It won't be budget though. Neigh impossible.
February 21, 2014 3:32 p.m.