HELP!! I need my Izzet deck to be better!!
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 10, 2014, 10:12 p.m. by kikinic244
I'm new to MTG and would like help making my first deck better! Please recommend cards I can trade for easily or don't cost that much because I really don't have much money to spend! :3
My main concerns are dealing with Flying creatures, high defense creatures, and sometimes enchantments/artifacts. I know that having more cards like Nivix Guildmage would help and any card that can bring instants back from the grave but other than that I'm not really sure what else to do :/
Thank you very much~! :D
kikinic244 says... #3
Insidious1 Okay will do! He's a new card to me and I haven't actually been able to use him yet so I wouldn't know lol :P thank you! _
January 10, 2014 11:26 p.m.
FlipSuperset says... #4
kikinic244 I run an Izzet deck right now with 3 of him and 3 Melek, Izzet Paragon along with various copies of some instants and sorceries with useful effects that I can either multiply with Melek, Izzet Paragon or use as fodder to dish out damage to enemy creatures with Mercurial Chemister .
January 10, 2014 11:29 p.m.
kikinic244 says... #5
Ohhh that sounds fun! Okay I'll definitely start keeping an eye out for those cards and try that. Thank you! :) Insidious1
January 11, 2014 8:14 a.m.
hungerwolf says... #6
I like the Izzet Tempo. Basically the idea is 4 Guttersnipe , 4 Young Pyromancer , 4 Spellheart Chimera for your creatures, and the rest various burn and removal cards like Lightning Strike , Magma Jet and Shock . Card draw is also useful. Izzet Charm may look weak, as it's either a very specific creature burn or counter and it discards two cards after use, but it can be very destructive combined with Spellheart Chimera as even if you discard otherwise useful spells, your chimera gets bigger. Same deal with Steam Augury . Even if your opponent dumps some solid cards, it makes the choice harder when they know it will make your trample-flyer even bigger. Mizzium Skin is also great for dealing with targeted removal, and it's a one drop.
The idea is that you will want to get a creature or two out, obviously, and then start dropping spells. Whenever you cast a spell, it will trigger a creature's ability, so you get two effects for the price of the one spell. With two guttersnipes on the field, you basically need to cast 5 spells to deal lethal damage. I've had several games that I've won after a little burn by dropping a second guttersnipe and then three mizzium skins or Quicken just to deal the 12 direct damage from Goobersnap.
Young Pyromancer generates chump blockers (basically, 1/1 tokens that you can let die for a block) which helps you if your opponent likes to get a lot of creatures on the board. It's a pretty quick deck, but it can also be pretty unpredictable with the card draw and discard, but that's the flavor of Izzet.
I prefer the quicker tempo build to midrange, primarily because my meta is solely based on mono-green or selesnya agro which manaramps into turn 3-4 wins and I find midrange can't survive to do its thing unless it has a strong early game too.
FlipSuperset says... #2
You should check out Mercurial Chemister he's great for taking out flying creatures, especially if you have some high mana cost cards in your deck.
January 10, 2014 11:15 p.m.