Help making Exalted Dead deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on Sept. 24, 2013, 12:34 p.m. by IvoryErebus

Hey, ok, so I have fallen in LOVE with the Exalted Dead deck in Magic 2013. I just think it is so cool and that the exalted feature is really neat. Only problem is that the one in MTG2013 gets countered SUPER easy. So, I came here and started working on this one . I need ANY sort of criticism- good, bad, detrimental- ANYTHING. What do you guys think of it so far?

IvoryErebus says... #2

Just from what I seeing, it's not looking like a great deck to begin with, but I really do like the idea, so I would like some pointers from more seasoned veterans.

September 24, 2013 12:35 p.m.

Deviljoel says... #3

List of things that should be done for improvement

  1. Narrow down to 60 cards, very important

  2. When you make a deck choose a format, limit yourself to cards that lie within. You mostly have modern legal cards, so stick to modern here. Vindicate is a illegal in modern, so is no mercy

  3. None of those artifacts or sorcery cards are worth using in an exalted deck, you can drop all of them. If you want a good equipment for exalted, Lightning Greaves is a decent option as a two of because it stops them from killing your single attacker. However sword of light an shadow is a generally powerful card so you could keep that if you want

  4. All the creatures you have that cost 4 mana or more arent worth using here, exalted is good for making low mana cost creatures hurt more, so try to play off that. Good bombs in exalted decks are creatures with double-strike imo Mirran Crusader , Fencing Ace , Fabled Hero

There's other things that could help but that's a good place to start :).

September 24, 2013 11:23 p.m.

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