Help making my own Legacy deck with a few favourite cards.
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 9, 2014, 7:43 a.m. by Nigrescence
So I started playing back during Apocalypse and Odyssey. I was young then, and was able to somehow get my hands on three copies of Vindicate , which I have had ever since. I love this card so much. I want to use it.
I'm interested in making a legacy deck, and my old decks back in the day often ran three to five colors. I would have City of Brass and Grand Coliseum for mana diversity, and recently I got some Gemstone Mine for more, which I would like to combine with the old lair lands like Crosis's Catacombs .
I know that most of the regular Legacy decks have certain staples and run similar stuff. I'm ok with blending in a few of the classics, but I may not be able to afford all of the goodies. Certainly not any of the super expensive lands.
So, here is what I'd like to do. I would like to make a Legacy deck that uses my three copies of Vindicate , hopefully (but not required) uses my up to four copies of Snapcaster Mage , preferably uses my up to two copies of Legacy Weapon from Apocalypse, and please oh please uses my two copies of Degavolver .
I have some up to four Thoughtseize that I wouldn't mind running, although it might have to wait for Standard rotation for me to put into this deck (it's ok, I can be patient).
Any help would be appreciated from those who are more familiar with the Legacy scene, and I would love to find some way to maybe work in two Isochron Scepter that I have just as a way to get recurring Counterspell or some other spell.
Feel free to not include every little thing that I want if it means the deck will be better, but I hope there's a way to make it work well, and unfortunately I'm just not able to think it. What I do know is that with the life loss lands, and the volver's life-pay regenerate, I'll probably need at least some way to gain life. I just don't know, maybe I'm chasing a bad dream. Worst case scenario, I could just play an esper build to make my Vindicate and Snapcaster Mage dream come true.
aeonstoremyliver says... #3
Running five colors is often a bad idea unless it's Dredge or Affinity.
To best use Vindicate I would run either Morglen, Green, White, and Black or Esper, Blue, White, Black.
Junk/Morglen gives you access to Abrupt Decay and Tarmogoyf while Esper lends itself to more control/draw with Force of Will , Brainstorm , and Jace, the Mindsculptor. Depends on your budget and play style.
February 9, 2014 10:51 a.m.
aeonstoremyliver says... #4
For life gain: Stoneforge Mystic + Batterskull
February 9, 2014 10:52 a.m.
The lands you mentioned lend themselves to Dredge, but those Thoughtseize s and Vindicate s lend themselves to Deadguy Ale, as previously mentioned. Or BW Pox.
February 9, 2014 11:29 a.m.
aeonstoremyliver says... #6
Dead Guy Ale is also very tasty, pricey, and an awesome choice for those of legal age. Rogue makes it, I believe.
I digress... Pox would be cool too.
February 9, 2014 1:09 p.m.
gnarlicide says... #7
The most expensive parts of DGA is the bobs and scrublands. Other than that, you would be able to easily trade for everything else. Seeing as you've been playing since apocalypse odessy era, I am assuming that you are older and have a career or something like that. So the more expensive cards should be a little easier to acquire.
gnarlicide says... #2
You may want to look up (on google preferably) a list called Deadguy Ale. A dude named Pikula came up with it. There are many variants, but that should be a good starting point for you for what you are looking for.
Personally, I would just run it as a black/white deck. So that you can focus more on the consistency. Best of luck to you though, Vindicate is an awesome card.
February 9, 2014 10:13 a.m.