Help Me and My Lands

Deck Help forum

Posted on Nov. 24, 2013, 10:32 p.m. by matbyrne

I have a land-based deck called Glacial Fog based around locking the opponent out with Glacial Chasm and then winning by either recurring Barbarian Ring , Cephalid Coliseum , or using Academy Ruins to scoop some powerful artifacts out of my grave after they are dredged in there by Life from the Loam . Generally, the deck does amazingly and I absolutely love playing it because it is very much my style. Unfortunately, it has a major weakness for 4 cards that are fairly common in Junk and BUG rock decks. Deathrite Shaman , Scavenging Ooze , Wasteland , and Vindicate .

Against the two creatures on this list, I wanted to purchase The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale , but at over $300, it alone is worth more than the whole rest of the deck and I doubt I can afford it, ever.

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I really want to make this deck competitive, as I think it can be with the right tweaks.

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