Help Me Be a Bigger Douchebag

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 14, 2013, 12:27 a.m. by Replayced

A friend called me and let me know a local store had a few copies of mind seize. So first thing after work I, went to pick one up. When I got to the isle, there was a kid standing there. I started looking through the shelf for the decks, when I hear him tell his mom that he got the last one. I looked over to see which deck he was holding up. My first thought was a quick punch to the back of his head and the deck would be mine. Then rationality kicked in and instead I bought the bant deck.

So now I'm looking to make some changes to my deck Look Mom, No Friends and would l Ike some suggestions. The bant deck has quite a few things the blink other creatures. I'm considering dropping some stuff and adding in a few blink enablers, and maybe some more ETB stuff.

Please take a look and let me know what if anything you would change, or what you would just drop all together. Hell feel free to tell me the deck sucks, just let my know why you think it does.

Thanks in advance for looking, commenting and +1ing

Behgz says... #2

As someone who did manage to grab the last copy of mind seize, I can tell you that I promptly traded in the true-name nemesis and then proceeded to start working on a vorosh, the hunter EDH brew, he came out of the mimeoplasm pre con from last year's commander set.

I was excited to use the mind seize alt general, Nekusar, the Mindrazer but his triggered ability that deals damage whenever a player draws a card doesn't count toward the 21 damage a commander needs to win, which completely ruined him as a general for me, I had a bunch of plans to break him, now I don't even care about mind seize and I'm working on a vorosh brew. Hope you have better luck with the bant brew, I'd like to try making a deck around Venser, the Sojourner

December 14, 2013 1:22 a.m.

Replayced says... #3

Behgz: I just wanted to say thanks, I forgot I have a Venser. He is exactly what Ive been looking for.

December 14, 2013 12:20 p.m.

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