Help me beat the Meta

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 9, 2013, 4:02 p.m. by Mein_Bant

Ok, so I've been playing Wednesday night tournaments at the local shop the last 2 months, and it's always some assortment of the same few people. As a result, I know exactly what to expect every week. The decks are:

-Mono-blue Devotion

-Mono-black Devotion

-U/W Control

-Mono-blue Devotion (splashing G for Simic Charm , Master Biomancer , Prophet of Kruphix , and presumably sideboard stuff)

-Mono-black Devotion (splashing W for Blood Baron of Vizkopa & Obzedat)

-White Weenies (splashing R for Boros Charm . Mizzium Mortars , & Chained to the Rocks )

-Red Deck Wins (I've seen this guy splash blue, then white, but for the last 2 or 3 weeks, it's been the Rakdos aggro variant)

-G/W Lifegain (Archangel of Thune , Fiendslayer Paladin , Precinct Captain , Trostani, Selesnya's Voice , Voice of Resurgence , Grove of the Guardian , and Wurms)

and occasionally, people will show up with Junk Midrange or Esper Control, Esper being weirdly absent most of the time. All of those decks except for the G/W one are pretty much exact copies of top 8 decks you can find online. My B/G list has been beating the Mono-blue and aggro decks pretty consistently, but losing to mono-black and stalemating against control. I'd like to get some advice on fixing the sideboard for those matchups, and also on tweaking the mainboard a little. I know I want to add at least 3x Scavenging Ooze , but I don't know what to take out.


Epochalyptik says... #2

Moved to Deck Help.

December 9, 2013 4:47 p.m.

Blakkhand says... #3

Pack Rat is one of the better sideboard cards against mono B. Also, cutting 2 Abrupt Decay s for 2 Hero's Downfall would help in those MUs. Theoretically, your deck already has a good control MU. It has some big threats and several ways to grind out the matches, as well as Thoughtseize , which is amazing against control. Post board, you also have golgari charms to trump the wipes, so I wouldn't change much in that area.

December 9, 2013 5:41 p.m.

Mein_Bant says... #4

Pack Rat is definitely something to think about. I'm not sure about cutting Abrupt Decay against MBD. After all, it hits Underworld Connections , Pack Rat , and Nightveil Specter .

I should probably also explain my current sideboard plan.

vs. MBD: +1 Underworld Connections , +3 Dark Betrayal , -3 Boon Satyr , -1 Hero's Downfall

vs. MUD: +4 Skylasher , +2 Gaze of Granite , -4 Sylvan Caryatid , -2 Deathrite Shaman

vs. Esper: +3 Golgari Charm , +1 Underworld Connections , +4 Skylasher , -4 Sylvan Caryatid , -2 Putrefy , -2 Abrupt Decay

vs. RDW: +2 Whip of Erebos , +2 Gaze of Granite , -3 Underworld Connections , -1 Deathrite Shaman

vs. White Weenie/other aggro: +2 Whip of Erebos , +2 Gaze of Granite , +3 Golgari Charm , -3 Underworld Connections , -2 Deathrite Shaman , -2 Boon Satyr

In short, Underworld Connections comes in vs. control and out vs. aggro, depending on whether cards or life is more important in the matchup. Whip and Gaze of Granite replace UC and usually Deathrite Shaman against aggro. The Shaman is just too small and slow for the matchup.

December 9, 2013 11:51 p.m.

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