Help Me Build Around Pain Seer

Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 11, 2014, 10:57 p.m. by Arorsthrar

My goal is to make Pain Seer better than Dark Confident in a deck (I understand that Dark Confident is clearly better alone, but I see more potential with his successor). Right now something U/B seems the best because of Hidden Strings .

Here are the requirements I want to meet with this deck:

-Build completely around Pain Seer : I don't want to be a guy that slaps Pain Seer down in an Orzhov aggro deck because he's a human and works with Xathrid Necromancer . Monoblack is also out of question.

-Be relatively inexpensive ($200 or under-hopefully)

-Have a low average converted mana cost (2.5 or under is my goal)

-Have a good way to recover life

-Have a solid win con

-And last but not least, not resemble anything too closely in the current top meta decks.

Thanks for any help! (And I do expect flak for saying that Pain Seer can be better than Dark Confidant .

raithe000 says... #2

I've got a Dimir Pain Seer build I've been working on. Other than cost (it's about 320 bucks) it fits all your criteria. Pull out the Mutavaults and it fits that too.

Power Unimaginable for Pain Unendurable

February 11, 2014 11:15 p.m.

Sindaeus says... #3

I am really having a hard time finding a great fit for him. I have 3 different builds around him if you want to take a look. Here are a few of the decks that I tried the last few days

Agent of Pain

This deck was a different build and mostly what I found was that I didn't need Liliana of the Dark Realms or Crypt Ghast to play anything. I could drop most of my hand by turn 4.

A more efficient build was this one:

Pain for torment

Playtesting it was a lot of fun. If you want lifegain, Gift of Orzhova + Agent of the Fates is just awesome but I didn't include it in the final build for some reason.

The deck that I finally settled on was a deck that I liked the most playtesting. I am an edh player at heart, and I love using singletons in a format where everyone plays a 3 or 4 of. Also This build doesn't use agent of the fates; The deck had to work too hard to make sure there was enough heroic activation, and I missed out on some fun opportunities with strictly better cards.

Herald of Pain

Let me know what you think! Any comments on my decks would be great!

Also, Breaching Hippocamp can actually be a great inspired trigger! Finally the horse-fish can actually do something useful.

February 11, 2014 11:58 p.m.

arimondry says... #4

Kiora, the Explora (feat. Pain Seer).

Springleaf Drum , Kiora's Follower , and other genuinely playable effects are how to make Pain Seer good. It's hard to build a deck around a card that objectively does not have very much utility: he's great, but he's only good for one thing, and that one thing is very hard to access unless you have the right build. the right deck for a creature like Pain Seer plays strong mechanics that have good play interactions as is, such as Desecration Demon with Kiora's Follower and Deathrite Shaman with Pack Rat , Grisly Salvage and Thoughtseize . It's more of a question of making a deck where he fits than making him the star of the build.

February 16, 2014 8:02 p.m.

Thuking says... #5

B0gbr3w my pain seer is the best

February 18, 2014 4:52 a.m.

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