Help me Choose!
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 2, 2014, 3:02 p.m. by InconspicuousPotato
Who Says Simic isn't Good? Playtest
SCORE: 11 | 2 COMMENTS | 1141 VIEWSI am torn between Sylvan Primordial and Mistcutter Hydra as my main bombs. Primordial has been underwhelming usually just blowing up a land but the fact he can kill and Elspeth, Sun's Champion or other walker makes him seem so much better. And reach is quite important in this meta filled with Desecration Demon s and Nightveil Specter s. But on the other hand Mistcutter Hydra can be HUGE with all the mana from Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and for the same cost is an uncounterable pro blue hasty 6/6 which isn't bad. And Mistcutter is more versatile and can be cast for less or more depending on my needs. Please help me choose, or suggest another bomb, and any other feedback on the deck and sideboard are appreciated.
Who Says Simic isn't Good? Playtest
rochdalekilla9 says... #2
I thought Sylvan Primordial was banned?
March 2, 2014 3:19 p.m.