HELP ME Choose between Rakdos Aggro/Control
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 6, 2014, 11:54 a.m. by Loco-Motive
I could use some help on a surface evaluation level, please.
I have a tourney coming up this weekend and I'm unsure which Rakdos deck I've made is the stronger showing to go to the tourney with.
My Rakdos Aggro Deck - For the Night is Dark and Full of Rakdos
My Rakdos Control Deck - Rakdos Control with Some Ping-Ping
I'm most comfortable with a mid-range strategy typically, and both of these decks fall to either end of that. Both contain Mogis, God of Slaughter , which is really the card I want to be playing this weekend, so I built around him. I didn't think he fit mid-range too much, so I experimented with either aggro or control builds.
I would REALLY love your input on which you think would be the stronger deck to show with this weekend for my tourney. I think they both have legs, but I'm wondering if one appears a bit weaker than the other, leading to me having a miserable day on Saturday, lol!
Thanks in advance for ANY help I can get from the community.
- Loco
Loco-Motive says... #3
I really appreciate your opinion. Thanks for leaving it, man. :)
March 6, 2014 12:10 p.m.
Funny though, the Xathrid Necromancer "strategy" gets wrecked by any control build with Anger of the Gods .
I'd go with control, because I love Demons and Dragons decks. I'm still tuning mine right in this moment!
March 6, 2014 12:21 p.m.
Loco-Motive says... #5
I'd love to see what you're doing in your control deck, Texas. This is my first Rakdos control deck I've made and unsure if I'm missing anything that would be otherwise crucial to its success.
I'm pretty comfortable running the aggro deck right now, as I've had it for a few days and tested it. Control deck I just made last night and it's making me second-guess my intentions for the weekend
March 6, 2014 12:29 p.m.
I've not written a description yet, because I'm lazy and like to go into details a lot.
Just a quick thing: I was experimenting with Toil / Trouble as my drawspell and I must say, the results are just baffling. The surprisefactor is almost as important as the ability to burn a Domri Rade out of nowhere. Great card, I might even go with the full playset.
Servo_Token says... #2
I'd go with the aggro build, definitely. You've got the insurance for the control matchup in Xathrid Necromancer , and I think that being faster is better in the current format.
March 6, 2014 12:01 p.m.