Help me finish Momir Commander
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 12, 2014, 11:42 a.m. by capriom85
Momir Vig (Commander) is my current EDH project. I have the combos in place, now I am in need of some help to fill in the rest of the deck. This was intended to be a ''mostly Elfball" project, so if we can stick with that cool, if I have already deviated too much, oh well, I am ok with that. I want to abuse Aluren , so low cmc is ideal. My main win cons are listed in the deck description, and I am not opposed to any suggestions. Thanks!
TheDevicer, thanks for that suggestion. I completely do intend to play Prophet of Kruphix in here. Aluren allows for one of my infinite combos to trigger, though. It allows me to continual bounce 3cmc or less creatures with Cloudstone Curio for infinite ETB effects. It comes in handy with things like taking my entire graveyard back with Eternal Witness , infinite draw with Elvish Visionary , etc. The prohet is nice, as worth using, but Aluren in a win con.
Arvail says... #2
Well if that's your goal, why not just play Prophet of Kruphix ? I mean, she's one mana more for significantly more power.
January 12, 2014 1:59 p.m.