Help me improve a core 2013 pre-made deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 6, 2013, 9:23 p.m. by Dookie1984
I have never played EDH but i wanted to try it out but i couldn't seem to come up with my own idea for a deck (probably because i have never played this format). So i picked up the Commander 2013: Eternal Bargain (White, Blue, Black) Deck it looks pretty good but i am still learning how to play it and i thought i would see if you guys have any ideas on how to improve this deck while keeping most of the core cards in it. I don't like to spent a lot of $$ on singles but i will pay a few buck's if that's what it takes. I appreciate all feed back and suggestions.
Here is the deck list
If you transfer the deck list to this site it would make it a bit easier to give feedback and make suggestions.
November 6, 2013 10:02 p.m.
RedCloud2012 says... #4
Esper has alot of good recent additions and is very powerful right now. Just look at some high +1 esper decks on here and of course you want like AEtherling and Force of Will and maybe Entomb and exsume ,Griselbrand Thoughtsieze Ponder Mana Leak
November 6, 2013 11:20 p.m.
RedCloud2012 - Just so you know, Griselbrand
is banned in EDH.
November 7, 2013 3:41 a.m.
I bought the deck myself. It's a solid choice and has a lot of options as far as an EDH goes. If I were to improve on it, I'd go for an artifact-based control deck with a combo win condition.
The obvious staples missing from the deck that need to be added ASAP:
- Reliquary Tower
- Seat of the Synod
- Phyrexian Arena
- Necropotence
- Trinket Mage
- Vault of Whispers
- Ancient Den
- Swords to Plowshares
- Path to Exile
- Counterspell
- Solemn Simulacrum
- Pact of Negation
- Supreme Verdict
- Wrath of God
- Day of Judgment
- Duplicant
- Animate Dead
- Arcum Dagsson
- Palinchron / Great Whale
- Phyrexian Metamorph
- Deadeye Navigator
- Consecrated Sphinx
- Strip Mine
- Chromatic Lantern
- Coalition Relic
- Lightning Greaves
- Mana Vault
- Basalt Monolith
Things to consider:
- Sphinx's Revelation
- Land Tax
- Necromancy
- Azorius Signet
- Dimir Signet
- Orzhov Signet
- Charcoal Diamond
- Marble Diamond
- Sky Diamond
- Memnarch
- Kuldotha Forgemaster
Money Cards:
- Entomb
- Maze of Ith
- Demonic Tutor
- Vampiric Tutor
- Mystical Tutor
- Enlightened Tutor
- Damnation
- Force of Will
- Mox Diamond
- Mana Crypt
- Mana Drain
- Grim Monolith
- Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
This is a pretty long list and doesn't cover everything, nor is it something set in stone, just what I'm personally considering with mine. As for what to take out, start looking to even out the mana curve. Right now, the deck doesn't start doing anything until around turn three. Even though EDH can be a slow format at times when there's multiple people, you still need to have resources available to handle early plays by opponents. It's also helpful if you have more mana and cards than other people, since this let's you outplay them.
November 7, 2013 4:04 a.m.
Dookie1984 says... #7
Thanks the3rdH0kage, RedCloud2012, JWiley129 and sylvannos thanks for the input. Gave me some good stuff to consider. After i play a little more EDH ill post the deck.
November 7, 2013 2:56 p.m.
RedCloud2012 says... #8
Yea about banned cards in EDH...Its a game made by the players and not really an officially sanctioned format and grisel-nuts was legal in standard and 2HG so personally I dont believe in a ban list for a 100 card 1 of deck with so many power cards and lands but if you wanna let someone tell you what you can and cant play in a player created game thats up to you. Pretty much in this state where I live EDH is organized by players and not card shops using DCI.
November 8, 2013 2:21 p.m.
RedCloud2012 says... #9
I mentioned 2HG because its a game where you begin with 40 life so its a relevant comparison to why griselbrand is banned in EDH. Because you can easily spare 7 life for 7 cards and entomb exsume what. There are alot of nasty cards that are better in high life games, yea he is top of the list but they printed him.
November 8, 2013 2:28 p.m.
RedCloud2012 it is banned because of it's broken tendencies, especially in EDH.
Turn1: Swamp , then Dark Ritual , then Entomb , then Reanimate or Goryo's Vengeance . either way, pay 28 life, draw 28 cards...on turn 1....
yes, there is a reason why it is of course if your playgroup is ok with the above mentioned event happening to them, then by all means do it....
November 8, 2013 2:31 p.m.
since you will be adding Deadeye Navigator , I would suggest adding Phyrexian Ingester as well. It can be a nuisance if you can get enough mana to keep doing it. not to mention Whip of Erebos , Obzedat, Ghost Council and Blood Baron of Vizkopa belong in here as well
the3rdH0kage says... #2
I bought this one and Mind Seize (Red, Blue, Black) and this one is my favorite to play with. I like the Grixis deck but I like how much life gain and stuff this deck has. I got the Grixis deck mainly because it looked like a fun deck, but I might be trading the deck as a whole for some stuff soon. But the Eternal Bargain (color scheme is known as Esper in MTG) is an amazing deck. I use Sharuum the Hedgemon as the Commander though, so fun.
November 6, 2013 9:36 p.m.